
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

LTX Pinpoint Sights Released again!

Nerf LTX's with Pinpoint Sights!
Thanks to RFE for the lead on this one, I wanted to not only fill you in on this development, but also talk about what it could mean for laser tag down the line.  First things first, though:  the Nerf-brand Lazer Tag Phoenixes are now being released in a "Value Pack" including 2 Pinpoint Sights.  These look to have the Nerf Logo rebranded onto them as well (where the Tiger Electronics logo used to be) and come in colors to match the blasters.  While they're not really the best Green Dot sights ever, for a toy they're not too bad.  They're also pretty popular when I hand out my LTXs for folks to use for games, so at least there's interest in them.  Obviously the BIG interest for LTX fans is still the Shotblast, but these have not been released since the LTX line was originally on shelves under the Tiger Electronics name.

To find this Value Pack, go to TRU's Website.

RapidFire Prototypes in Use
Now, onto what this could be a sign of... which is the first bit of positive news for the LTX in a LONG time.  For those who haven't kept up on my blog, there was a few more features for the LTX that got cancelled which could've extended the life of this line of laser tag blasters.  The Shotblast was the first of a few different front-end attachments including a RapidFire, Flamethrower, and Sniper barrel extension that would've added more variation to the LTX line.  These were recently announced to be developed by TagFerret and 1SLT later this year (though I have no additional news on this).  With the pinpoint sight being released and rebranded as "Nerf", this could mean that we could at least see the Shotblast return under the Nerf Brand as well.  This is only speculation on my part.

With the Light Strike brand out there and either being praised or condemned by it's users, it's actually helping the LTX I think.  A 2 player set of LTXs, even at the normal 69.99USD price that Toys R Us has is still cheaper than buying a set of Assault Strikers from Wowee.  Also, the LTX has better features and abilities than Light Strike in terms of range, sensors, and aesthetics in my honest opinion.  Perhaps Light Strike has turned some buyers to the LTX instead.  They are continually stocked at local Toys R Us stores and if Hasbro is confident enough in the LTX to release it with a value pack that includes a Pinpoint Sight, that's got to be a good sign.

With the next generation of laser tag toting compatible features with the LTX and the LTTO line, we might be able to actually invite this new system into a welcoming crowd of laser taggers.  I think part of the reason the LTX's initial release didn't do well was because, aside from the few hardcore laser taggers who knew about it, it kind of came out of nowhere.  If we can get enough folks on board with laser tag and follow it's release in anticipation and give it the attention it deserves, the hostile economy might not be so hard on this guy when it comes out in Winter of 2012.


  1. Here's a potentially stupid question, do you suppose those poinpoint sights will be nerf tactical-rail compatable?

  2. @ TestamentSeven7: the Pinpoint Sights for the LTX run off of the power of the blaster. While they might fit onto another rail for something else, there's no way to power them. The LTX's Accessory rails actually supply power from the blaster to the modules. The rail on top can power a Green Dot sight and the rail under the main barrel can power other enhancing accessories.

  3. Sounds like the perfect mod job to me!

  4. Have you used that machine gun prototype attachment up there? Well if more come to Lazer tag so will I. My taggers are at the bottom of the bin.

  5. I have never heard about the flamethrower attachment. can some one review the differences between the new pin points and the old ones?

  6. @Portal: Those blasters were used under the permission of it's owner: TagFerret. That game was played in upstate Washington. As far as I know, they're the only working versions of them... so far. When I know more, you will.

    @Garrett: There is no difference between the two other than that the old version says "Tiger" on the side and the new version says "Nerf".

  7. wow, things might be looking good for Lazer Tag! I have been told there have been some LTXs popping up in some toy stores over here, but i'm yet to snag a set. If they make it to the big department stores like K-mart and Big W they should do fairly well I think.

  8. From what I've been able to ascertain from tinkering, there is no secret Team 3 mode on the Nerf LTX's. This is the one and only functional difference between the two that I know about.

    Looking forward to those RapidFire and SniperShot PCBs. Any idea how the conversion process would go? Flamethrower attachment? One can only dream...

    --Jake The-Snake

  9. @ RFE: Yeah, Jake. The Team 3 bug was "fixed" in the Nerf-branded versions. However, they can still fire at blasters using Team 3, so if you've got enough Tiger-brand blasters, just be sure they all end up on Team 3 and you can still do a 3 team game. I'll have more on the RapidFire, SniperShot, and Flamethower later. From what I heard, the "Flamethrower" just sends out a constant close-range shot when activated. MUCH closer range than the ShotBlast, obviously. I don't know if they'll develop that one. So far I've just heard about the RapidFire and SniperShot being developed.

  10. Wal*Mart and Target here in SW Florida seem to stock only Light Strike, but your articles have really piqued my interest in the LTX. If I ever see an LTX set on the shelf I will definitely buy it and post a side-by-side comparison to the Light Strike lineup.

  11. Skurj, while the LTX was originally available at all major retailers, the "Nerf" branded ones that are out now are only available at Toys R Us and on It's likely that your local Wal-Mart and Target won't stock it. Light Strike, however, is available pretty much everywhere now.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Yesterday I took a trip to the nearest TRU (an hour away from my house) and picked up a Nerf LTX value pack. I'll have a side-by-side comparison to Light Strike ready in a couple days, I expect.

  14. Looks like TRU has them now for 55 plus on Sat 26th they have a buy1get1halfoff sale. And I already bought my non-sighted ones from Amazon a couple weeks ago :-(

  15. Sad that these rapid fire prototypes never nit the market.

  16. It's been four years. Have they developed them yet?

    1. Nope. The line was cancelled and the RapidBlasts and all other accessories were nixed. In 2012 they released a new Laser Tag system. The LTAR opted for electronic updates via an App designed for the iPhone. They kinda didn't catch on and have also since been discontinued.

      There isn't currently a readily available off-the-shelf laser tag system that I can think of... let alone recommend. eBay is my friend right now for collecting more of these.
