
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Raider gone Shotty

The Clear Series blasters, exclusive to Target, have been a neat addition to the recolors Nerf has been putting out.  They've also been a bit scarce on shelves, as least where I'm located, so when I came across a Raider CS-35, I thought it best to pick it up before someone else could.  I did my usual Performance Modifications like AR Removal, Lock/safety removal, and a Spring Upgrade.  I also decided to go one step further and give the Raider the priming handle I think it deserved from the start.  The Video below tells the story.


  1. Wow, that is a clean modification for that handle. It almost looks like that's how it came packaged (or at least that's how it should have come packaged). Nice job, makes me want to buy a Raider and attempt to do the same.

  2. Ok, thats wicked cool...basically a bigger alpha trooper, but friggin cool.

    The Raider came first anyway.

  3. No way! I just did the deploy handle mod a few weeks ago, cool to know i'm not the only one!

  4. I don't think the clear series was exclusive to Target. Clear was everywhere. Target just had red darts. Nice mod. I first thought you meant the handle with the trigger.

  5. Keep your booger hooker off the bang switch son. You could have shot the cameraman. :)

  6. Thanks for the great modification; been contemplating how to do this for a long time, just did it, and it works great!

  7. I'd like to use this video in an article I'm writing about trigger discipline, but I'd feel better if I had your permission first. Would that be alright?

  8. Heh, and I suppose I'm the example of what NOT to do! In my defense, it was Slam Fire that made me hang on to that trigger. In the midst of the video, I still had my trigger held down on it from my previous volley I had shot before. I suppose Slam Fire doesn't do a good job of teaching trigger discipline, huh?

  9. Slam fire does not generally promote proper trigger discipline, but it does make me feel like a thug and that is cool.
