
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Milwaukee & Laser Tag! Who Knew?

Until recently I was unaware of the Laser Tagging scene in Milwaukee, WI.  Thanks to a recent surge of activity from Random Fun Events, I've realized that I'm not alone in the Midwest!  Sure it's still quite a bit of a drive from Omaha to their campus, but it's a LOT easier to stomach than planning a trip to the Pacific Northwest where my laser tagging heroes reside.  Turns out RFE has been keeping up on the laser tagging side of things.  Enough to surprise ME (and the rest of my fellow laser taggers I stay in touch with) when they found this LTX Value Pack.  My reaction the second I saw that was "Oh no way!".

Aside from surprising me with news, RFE has also held several Nerf and Laser Tag games.  Recently, they had success with their first Fight Night for laser tag.  They held the game on campus and it sounds like a good time. Surprise surprise, right?  While RFE is more than just laser tag, the exposure they've been getting the LTX system has been great!  It's always nice to find other laser taggers in the area being vocal about what they're doing.  If we are to change the way Laser Tag is percieved in the US (aka, get it the attention and respect it deserves), we've gotta have a lot of people on board making information available at youngster's fingertips.  It's excellent to see others popping up who are being active and telling the world about it.

RFE has also shed some light on CMP Tactical Laser Tag.  With an impressive website showcasing their equally impressive arena and gear, CMP looks to have quite the setup.  Go check 'em out and see how they tag it up in the frigid north!


  1. A bit of a drive? It's only 8-9 hours. Bah.

    Anyway, you are always welcome to join us for any of our events. Maybe we could try to meet our groups at some point for some inter-state tagging? Meet halfway at a park in Iowa during the summer? Consider bringing yourself or a group up to check out CMP laser tag with us. We think you would love it.


  2. Perhaps over the summer when the fellas and I have more time. We've always wanted to do games with other groups before. A friend of ours, Sinistrahd, lives a little closer to you in Illinois. We'll figure something out. In the mean time, keep on tagging!

  3. Awesome! It's nice to see others stepping into the Tactical Laser Tag! We are currently in the process of creating a tactical laser tag league in San Diego. We currently do outdoor, indoor, mobile, and tactical laser tag. Check us out at
