
Monday, May 5, 2014

Behind Schedule

Just figured I'd pop in about a few things that are running behind more than I had expected.  First, production of the LTAR Accessories we've been working on is a bit behind schedule.  Combat testing on the prototype parts we have has been going well.  While we do have the Lens Adapter complete, we still don't have the N-Strike Stock Adapter in a 3D model yet, just the prototype that I built.  Once a 3D model is completed, we'll print one out and test fit it to make sure that it works as flawlessly as the original.  Then we'll make any tweaks needed (like we did with the Lens Adapter) to the design.  We'll repeat this process as needed until it's right and then put 'em up for sale.  Originally, the plan was to have both of these finalized and ready in time for Season 9, but we're behind with the Stock Adapter.

As the Lens Adapter has been gaining attention, we have also gotten quite a few questions about the lenses we have been using for those.  LazerBait has built the sniper lenses we have been using for several years on our blasters, including rifles like the "Ultimate LTX" and LTX EF5.  I'm contacting him to see if either A: he will build more for sale or B: he can release instructions on how to build one properly.

I'm also still working on my "Event Planning" video that will answer your questions asked a week or so ago.  I'll have that video up and running soon, but there's a little more editing and things I need to fix before I can publish it.  I apologize for all the delays, but we will have stuff ironed out soon enough!

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