So I've really been hitting the drawing board more than my workbench recently because I'm really at a loss of what direction to go with this idea. Figured I'd keep sharking the ideas with you guys here not only as a way for me to sort them out as well as gauge opinions from you about them.
When we last left our heroes, we were thinking about this concept of building a laser tag rifle AROUND an existing blaster like the LTAR. This is still the concept I'm sticking with, but now the question is how to approach it and what platform to use for it. With the LTAR, the idea would obviously be to still work the blaster into the shell by not interfering with the internals and switches too much... but then the question comes to be about how integrated it'll actually be? I know I want to keep the sensor housing construction intact and the motherboard and batteries, but what portions would be rewired through the rest of the blaster.

I saw that hunk of red plastic known as the Centurion sitting in the corner of my workshop and thought "Hey, look at that nice big oversized shell. It'd be really easy to fit something else inside there!" The only trouble with using such a LARGE blaster for Laser Tag is that it can be really ineffective to use with anything BUT long range attacks. A sniper's role really doesn't stick around for too long in our laser tag games as it's only a matter of time before your opponent is quickly in range to engage you. If you think about effective combat radius of a Sniper-class laser tag blaster, which maxes out between 900-1100 feet, there's not a TON of space in a part to really utilize that much range. Finding a space clear enough to hit somebody at that range is difficult. Plus, standard blasters usually have 400-600 maximum feet of range, so it's not long before your opponent is withing range to engage you anyways. I learned this the hard way with the M43A Sentry, pictured above.

So what if this "Shell in a Shell" concept came in the way of a blaster inside a big "accessory" blaster? Hear me out on this one. What if we took something like a Phoenix LTX, the backbone of the MLTA's armory, and modified a big rifle like the Centurion to fit over the LTX to plug into the Accessory Port like a Shotblast would? Have the temporary ability to have a sniper-class blaster when you need it without the need to hang on to it for the whole game? The user could be running around, find the Centurion Sniper Accessory, load their stock LTX into it, land some killer long-range shots, and once the opponent gets too close for that hefty rifle to be useful, disconnect the LTX from it and continue playing!
So the concept seems like it'd work, but the trouble would be executing a design like that. The Centurion would have it's own optics in it that would transfer over to the LTX. The sensor dome would need to be visible enough to your opponent to make things fair to take hits as you utilized the Centurion, and it'd need to be sturdy enough to be a solid rifle, but easy enough to detach in the heat of battle. I'm not sure a design to meet all those requirements would be feasible. What do you think?