My buddy over at MLD had a chance to mess around with a concept (known as the Rayzorback) of the NERF Demolisher that has been making the rounds on the internet today. I couldn't help but notice the article describes it as a "2-IN-1 blaster that dominates both MEGA and ELITE missions!" I couldn't shake that "MEGA" bit outta my head, especially after seeing folks take the Magnus and sling it under a barrel of an Elite blaster. Well, regardless of how the Demolisher will actually function, it is stated to have 4 tactical rails. There's a top rail, two side rails, and one under the muzzle, so that rocket launcher has to be detachable. Therefore, I present to you how I believe the Demolisher will look with it's rocket launcher detached as well as a MEGA dart launcher that I have fabricated from a Magnus image to illustrate a possibility for making this blaster dominate both ELITE and MEGA missions, just as the description said.

Images courtesy of MS Paint, so be kind to my limited abilities to modify the image!
I've also pondered that perhaps the rocket launcher itself could fire multiple MEGA darts in the same way that there's a cartridge for the ZombieStrike SledgeFire. Put 3 MEGA darts in a cartridge sized to fit in the rocket launcher place to truly make this a "Masterkey" (as most are shotgun-based). It's an idea, but I figured I'd share it whether it's true or not. It's always fun to speculate the possibilities for future Nerf products!
see, if they had announced THIS instead of the Slingfire, hype would've been bigger
ReplyDeleteI could not agree more. THIS is what fans are looking for in the next Nerf Blaster
DeleteIt looks really awesome, but really Nerf another type of ammo?!?!? *begin rant*
ReplyDeleteThe rocket launcher looks massive and just in the way. If it is removable I don't think it will work on other blasters without modification first. The triangle piece at the front top of the launcher seems to hold it in place to the blaster somehow and the back of the launcher appears to be molded to fit the Demolisher specifically. Also I doubt that the tiny tac rail springs, that can barely hold a light on if you turn too fast, will be able to hold a massive attachment like this. Will the rocket fire off of a spring or an air pump like the last nerf rocket? Either way I see big problems for that small of a launcher with that big of a round. *end rant*
Will I get it? Definitely a huge YES, but I think a mega dart version would have been a better option for Nerf.
This blaster is the most asthetically pleasing blaster I have ever seen! Nerf did an excellent job with this blaster!
ReplyDeleteI can only assume the AK-47 inspired banana clip wont make production. Everything else about this looks spot on though, it looks a great point-able SMG-esq blaster.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't really say it's AK-47 inspired. Needs to be much "meaner" of a curve. Closer to the bend you see in an M16 or something. I'm actually surprised that it's only a 10-dart magazine. Why would you choose a magazine 2 rounds away from the Retaliator's 12-round Straight Magazine? Loose two darts just for looks?
DeleteI did a "banana" mod and my clips only held 10 also sadly I don't have my prototype anymore I got too ambitious
DeleteMLD reports that there is a stronger spring in the banana clip, so you wont get issue with firing when there's not dart in the chamber yet. Which was mainly an issue with the old N-Strike drums, but I've still had it happen with Elite clips.
DeleteStronger spring or not, you're still down two darts from just using a 12-dart straight clip from a Retaliator or Elite AT.
DeleteEh, I would still use the banana clip. 2 darts short or no. I also saw some images of the other side of the gun. There was no side rail on it. I'm kind of assuming that this will only come with 2 rails or 3 if there is one on the bottom. For reasons stated in other comments though, I have the feeling that the underslung mini rocket launcher thing, which is awesome (useless, but awesome), will be attached.
DeleteYou're right about the one on the side, but MLD still said there was one rail under the barrel. Of course, that could be speculation or based off of an earlier prototype he saw.
DeleteThe banana clip is excellent for sniping though and is much more comfortable as a handhold.
DeleteThere was already a "banana clip" magazine for the Super Soaker line, and with that very name, so Hasbro isn't afraid to use the imagery of a curved magazine.
ReplyDeleteI won't be getting this for the banana clip. When Iget this, I'm getting it for the detacheable grinade launcher, and shoving it on my rapidstrike. This looks like some sort of dmr, to me.
Well, the grenade launcher is integrated, but Hasbro still has time to make it full auto and double the mag-capacity.
ReplyDeleteManiacal Coyote
Nothin' Foam
Is the grenade launcher detachable? Like is it on a tactical rail? If it's not, is it easy to mod off?
ReplyDeleteAt the time, we thought it was... but later found out that it is all one big piece and isn't removable. Check the review of the Demolisher I made.
DeleteHowever, it would be relatively easy to permanently remove the "grenade launcher" by cutting along where the housing meets the rest of the shell. Many modders have already done this.