
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cam ECS-12 LT Concept

It never fails.  Even with a handful of unfinished projects, I still can't help myself from thinking of more ideas.  Today's tinkering involved tearing into an N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12.  Upon learning just how easy it was to remove the camera section of the blaster, I found the blaster to be a nifty looking standalone rifle.  However, with this big hole in the top of it, I was eager to find a clever way to seal up the top.  On my workbench was a fresh-out-of-the-box Lazer Tag Augmented Reality (LTAR) blaster waiting to be added to my armory.  It was the same color white as the ECS-12, so I instantly started thinking of an integration.

If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a legitimate Nerf product!  The gap left by the Camera Optics on top of the ECS-12 is almost perfect for the top-half of an LTAR blaster.  The lower portion of the LTAR has the Trigger, Shields, Reload, and Lock-on sensor housed, which could be omitted as it is in this mock-up.  The trigger could easily be manipulated to double for both the Dart Blaster and LTAR (just as I have in my Demolisher Project), and there's already a button on the grip of the ECS-12 that could be used for either shields or reload.

With most of the internals and components of the LTAR wouldn't need to be relocated with a design like this, I could see this project being relatively easy to complete, as opposed to my M41A Pulse Rifle and Demolisher projects that require more labor-intensive integration.  Does this concept seem cool enough to pursue?  Or should I leave it alone and refocus on what I already have?


  1. Couple things I've learned from messing with LTAR electronics a lot:

    There's a big capacitor in there that gets charged when you put in the battery sled. If you don't discharge it before you start cutting wires, there's a good chance you'll knock out your board permanently. The capacitor takes a pretty long time to discharge on its own.

    Never accidentally swap the orange and black battery trays from different rev guns. The black tray will kill orange tray guns.

  2. that looks fancy
