
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Van Helsing-Inspired Slingfire

I know Van Helsing (at least in the movie) uses a crossbow most of the time... and I had fully intended to add some bow-arms to the ZombieStrike Slingfire that I was planning to use to build one... but that darned RELOAD was too much fun, so I just ended up repainting it to look like something the Monster Hunter would've used.  I was happy to find out that the black N-Strike Tactical Rail wasn't solvent-welded in (as I had seen in reviews before), but the trickiest part of this repaint was re-assembling the gearbox correctly.  I hadn't found any guides out on the 'net to help, so a lot of it was trial and error... with emphasis on the "error" side.  Once I got it working again, it was time to suit up and lay waste to some monsters!

This is my Van Helsing-Inspired Slingfire!  I used hammered-metal effect paint, lightly modified the internals (simple stuff), and was slaying vampires and zombies left and right at a recent Halloween party!  It didn't take me long to paint, either so I was happy with how it turned out.  Halfway through the night I swapped out my 6-Round Mag for a Firefly Tech mag for some glow-in-the-dark action.

A friend of mine also showed up as a Zombie Hunter, which looked pretty similar to my Van Helsing geddup.  We teamed up for the night, but not before battling it out a bit!  My wife went as a Vampire, who was consistently trying to kill me when I wasn't paying attention.  Subsequently, his girlfriend came as a Zombie trying to end him just as easily.  Being the only two humans at the Monster Mash meant two things: we were constantly on guard and consistently running out of darts!  Haha

There's only a couple days left of Tactical Tag's Halloween Contest, so get your entries in before it's too late!  Contest ends October 31st!


  1. I've been considering doing an ak-47 type mod with a stryfe, slingfire handle and demolisher mag.


    1. Use an image hosting website like Flickr, Photobucket, or imgur to get a URL for your photo and then post it in a comment. Welcome to 2003!


    doesn't matter if these are nerf or not, I want one!
