
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wartime Weekend!

Buncha stuff happening over the weekend!  With Captain America: The Winter Soldier coming out on April 4th, my costume is nearly complete!  Work on the center star and stripes should finish things out with that.  The arm-pockets on the shirt I was using did need to be removed, unfortunately, but we removed those last night.  It's been tough finding a dark enough blue fabric to match the shirt and pants that I already have to use for the costume, but we did manage to nab some at a local crafts store.  I'm planning to go in-costume along with a bunch of my friends to the midnight showing, so we've got less than a week to stitch things up!

I'm personally psyched for this, not just being a big fan of the Cap, but also because I've heard a LOT of great reviews about this film.  I've also heard that this latest installment by Marvel sets up The Avengers: Age of Ultron perfectly, so it should be cool to see what that entails.

Then there's also a Laser Tag game tomorrow at the new park!  With 20 guests signed up already, it's looking to be probably one of the best off-season games for turnout that I've ever seen!  I think the fact that temperatures are expected to break into the mid 70s for the first time this year is helping attendance.  Plus, it's been awhile since our last game, so folks are itching to get out and enjoy some outdoor laser tag again.

I'll probably be too busy to check in with anything until Monday, so have a great weekend, everyone!  Also, don't forget about "Shot of the Week".  We had an awesome entry from Bobololo for last week's winning shot.  Week #3's winner will be selected Monday Night!

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