
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Centurion gets Real, Revonix too?

We've already seen Box Art of the Nerf N-Strike Elite Mega's flagship model: the Centurion.  Now we've got a photo of the actual blaster itself, along with seeing it's folding bi-pod at work.  Photo is from and while the photo isn't the best resolution, it does show us quite a bit.

It also still makes me wonder if that front barrel is detachable, as many folks had speculated before.  Regardless, you can really see the heft of this blaster from the top-view we get from this picture.  A long top tactical rail with about an inch on each side of it gives this blaster some real presence.  Larger ammo, and a range listed of 100 feet?  I think I might be able to actually classify this blaster as a "Sniper", as much as I loathe the overuse of this term.  The Centurion looks to have earned it in aesthetics AND ability.

Feel free to weigh in on features you think this blaster might still have.  That bolt track looks awfully long to me... so maybe there's some interesting loading mechanism for the larger darts the Centurion is designed to use.

Image Courtesy of 
Just got this info from MLD via the Tactical Tag Facebook Page about the Nerf Vortex "Revonix 360".  It's description says something to the tune of "3 Disks at once".  This Multi-shot Madness we got from the RoughCut and Diatron looks to be continuing!


  1. if nerf IS watching the community, they know companies like remedy metal and omw have 100% sealed longshot products. could this long barrel finally be an out of the box sealed breech?

  2. Damn, that is a sweet piece of gear.

    I want one. Apparently the manual springer at least is real if this site is listing it. Pump grip and 12 round mags will be the first mods, because I want to HVZ this monstrosity.

    On the revonix, we have "A gun that shoots 3 discs a distance of 15 meters." I've a feeling that if that was 3 discs at once, it would be explicitly highlighted. Perhaps it's a simple typo and what was meant was "A gun that shoots 30 discs..." referring to the magazine capacity.

    1. That's a GREAT point about the Revonix. We know so little about it at this time and the rough translation/details on the blaster may be incorrect. It's good to see another Vortex blaster, and this "360" name on it could make things interesting too.

    2. I'm pretty sure there's a video of it floating around from the ny toy fair, the 360 refers to the built in cylindrical rotating magazine, which, from memory does hold 30 disks. It looks a bit like the striker from mw2

    3. I wonder if the 360 is referring to the vortex cylinder the Revonix has...

    4. I bet there is a long draw length and long spring to add to it having 100ft ranges, because that draw length is probably double of that of a Longshot


    You mean this Revonix 360? It was officially shown off at the Toy Fair a few months back when we first saw the Rebelle line.

    I'm just worried I'm missing something- not criticizing you for old news.

  4. from the first picture i imagined the mag being closer to the handle and the stock being longer

  5. The plunger is supposedly huge in the Centurion. Not surprised, the amount of pressure needed to break the coefficient of static friction must be huge for those Mega darts!

    1. Actually, assuming the bore contact pressure, contact length and coefficient of static friction are the same with the new barrel fit and dart foam, the breakaway pressure would be lower for larger caliber.

      At breakaway, the force on the dart from pressure must be equal to the force from static friction. The pressure force is pressure multiplied by bore area, which is (pi)r^2. The area of foam in contact with the bore, which combined with the contact pressure determines the maximum static friction force, is 2L(pi)r, where L is the length of the barrel contact. Note that bore area increases faster with increasing dart radius(/diameter) than surface area subject to static friction. Thus if we have two darts that are different calibers but have the same barrel fit and length, the larger dart will breakaway at a lower pressure than the smaller.

      Of course, the new dart is longer than a .50 micro, and so will be the "tight area" of the new barrel - so it may be a wash and breakaway pressure may be closer to the same.

    2. speak simple or idiot language plz because in australia we don't study guns anywhere. (what i mean is remove the scientific stuff and say it without anything complex

    3. That was just some simple maths with a couple of nerf terms included. No one studies guns.. How about you learn stuff or use google to find out?

  6. That centurion stock remind you of a firefly or stampede?
    Also, I just noticed how short of a distance you have to pump the Revonix. Must be awesome for slam-fire!

    1. That's actually about the same distance as a Raider/Rampage, just on the sides of the pump instead of the bottom. The handle covers most of the track, and the actual priming bar is likely mounted at or near the front of the handle. It's probably about the same maximum rate of fire as the Raider/Rampage.

  7. It does appear appear to have a detachable front, but the barrel barrel being huge, I imagine nothing will be interchangeable until another mega gets released.

    I like the bipod, it looks a lot cooler than the one on the stampede :)

  8. if only it came with a red longshot scope :) im still buying it
    but a scope might make me get this instead of a range master :/

    1. There's also the massively increased range and firing rate of this over the range master, as well as magazine capacity, which the range master doesn't have.

    2. true my bro has one and in outdoor fights in the backyard the range mater leaves him a sitting duck for elite guns :3 and that is were my retaliator comes in...

  9. That color red looks so bad. Nerf there is still time; change the color.

    1. I like the red. In fact, I like it better than Elite blue, and I like Elite blue a lot.

    2. the color doesn't matter; the power does and it's power that most of us are concerned about not color. here's a Shakespeare quote to accompany that:(from the taming of the shrew)
      Petruchio:...To me she's married, not unto my clothes:
      Could I repair what she will wear in me,
      As I can change these poor accoutrements,....

      and a chinese saying translated:"do not be fooled by the outward appearance of anything"

    3. The rapidstrike would look boss in red, with a red-dot sight (like the Shot Blast scope, but with the red-dot tech from the elusive Pinpoint Sight), and a Stampede bi-pod or the Retaliator grip.

  10. My 2 cents.
    the bolt track is long because at half way the breech (closed breech like an angel breech) is open allowing for clip release and is also half primed, when the bolt track is at full draw the blaster is primed fully whilst breech is closed to not allow a second dart to be chambered.
    the bolt slide is longer due to the clip not being a standard clip as we see from the pic its slightly angler which could be to accommodate those MEGA darts as well as the different internals.

    btw if the clips angler perhaps the internals is more of a dart pusher slide dart up a ramp into the front barrel similar to the explorer stampede kit if you can follow my logic

  11. If anything it should come with the red dot sight.... A scope would be better. Another question. Will they have more "mega" guns? If so will they have a bigger clip system, Personally i like the 12-18 dart clips.

    1. This is actually titled the "Centurion MCS-6"
      "6" indicates 6 darts
      "CS" means "Clip Series"
      "M" probably means "Mega".
      What would be epic would be "MEBF-100" on a Gatling gun or at least a regular machine gun

  12. It smells like swag from 10000 miles away.
