
Friday, June 22, 2012

Back in Action

I'm officially back in the lower 48 from my trip to Hawaii.  While I'll miss waking to waters as clear as the skies and drifting to sleep to the sound of waves crashing against the remains of the 1926 Mauna Loa lava flow that our residence was built over, I'm ready to attack the workbench with my projects and get out there with the MLTA some more before this summer is over.

Speaking of that, the Midwest Laser Tag Association's summer season has been going great!  Our new schedule has been working well for veterans and new players alike and the switch to the LTX has been enjoyable for everyone.  While we are still working the bugs out of our own custom blasters for the LTX games, I'm confident we'll have stuff running well before the season's end.  The Pulse Rifle project is only one of several others built around the Arduino and I'm anxious to get the programming and wiring fixed so we can finally have a solid design to work with.

I'm also psyched for the N-Strike Elite release, even if the reported ranges aren't getting quite what they had claimed.  I'll be helping out with reviews and news over at Nerf Mods & Reviews for most of that, but I do have a few things in mind for Elite that I'll cover here as well.