
Friday, June 15, 2012

Soak of the Week

Even while I'm on vacation, I've managed to get the Shot of the Week for the second time.  A few things have changed with Nerf since my first SotW, but I've learned to forgive and forget about all that Urban Tagger-ness mess they made.  I still enjoy their products and the people that enjoy them along with me, so it's not all bad.  Hasbro is a corporation and sometimes business folks forget that these are toys with a few fans here and there.  We all just need to settle down a bit and just enjoy them for the toys that they are.

My first SotW was definitely staged.  Pretty sure I got it because that N-Strike patch had just came out along with the rare Red Strike series Recon featured in the shot.  In general, there was a LOT of non-standard hardware on there but I still managed to keep it all "Stock" so it'd be kosher for the SotW.  I took this shot with the intent of entering it for that contest and it achieved what I wanted it to.

This recent winner was just me having fun in the backyard with some friends and family.  You can see the spray bouncing off my blaster which was a poorly aimed Hydro Cannon shot I was taking.  It was too good of a shot to pass up so I posted it up after "re-liking" Nerf Nation for their previous crimes against Pocket at UT.  Turned out to be a really fun shot AND I finally got to see that spinning effect the Tornado Strike has that I mentioned in an earlier post.

So keep having fun out there, guys!  I've been laughing at some of the comments this SotW shot has gotten, so if you wanna see folks trying to be bullies with their cracks at my virginity, go ahead and read through 'em.  I do appreciate the support though (I've seen a few folks identify me as Bazookafied or just "Tactical Tag") so thanks for that.  In the meantime, hang loose!  I'll be back from Hawaii on the 22nd!


  1. I saw the comments about your virginity. I wish there was a dislike button! I was the one that said go tactical tag!

  2. wher were the comments about virginity? anyway, im gunna try and get shot of the week by invading the school with a few nerf blasters. btw how do you like the nerf nation page?

  3. Haha. My favorites include the one calling you sixteen and the several people who "recognized" you as someone else.

    It's a great picture, bee tee dubs. In case you didn't know all ready.

  4. lol, gotta love the maturity level on that page. Awesome picture man, definitely SOTW worthy!

  5. What was the virginity comment?
