
Monday, May 14, 2012

N-Strike Elite: Firestrike

Guess I wasn't too far off the mark... as we've got a 5th N-Strike Elite blaster confirmed for 2013: the Firestrike.  From the looks of it, it's got a Nitefinder pull-back priming handle, so my "Seeker" that I made earlier this season was a pretty close prediction.

I'd like to see better images of the Firestrike to check out what aesthetic changes they may have made to the Nitefinder, if any.  From the looks of it, the priming handle and rear design look pretty spot-on compared to a NiteFinder, but the front end looks a little different.  I'll have more up once better images surface of this.


  1. did you notice the little button in place of an accelerator trigger, bazooka? It might be for a laser light.

  2. looks nearly identical to me, from what i can see anyway....But hey, elite nitefinder...i'll buy one ^^

  3. Know a cool thing the old night finder or the seekers real name is the firestrike

  4. Looks derived from the NF but possibly aesthetically closer to an element or switchshot, with a grip switch for the "laser" LED sight.

  5. What box is that?

    1. From the Retaliator or Rampage. Pretty sure it's on both boxes, actually.

    2. Cool. I didn't know anyone had possession of one yet. It looks like there may be another blaster darkened out on the other side. Possible Jolt elite?

    3. I think that they will not make a Jolt Elite just for his availability. The Jolt is'nt available everywhere like the Longstrike or the Nitefinder, infact the Recon, the Barricade, the Nitefinder, the Raider... they are all available almost everywhere that's why they have did Elite versions of those and (i think)not the Jolt. I may be wrong though.

    4. I doubt an Elite Jolt but it does look like a blaster.

  6. I am hoping that 2nd trigger means that there's a second blaster integrated into the bottom.

  7. Little late :P

    1. imodifynerfs was hardly the first to post this info. Besides, the focus of this post was to relate it to an earlier blaster I had made. If I had only posted this to be first, I wouldn't have bothered with it in the first place.

  8. This reveals a few things.
    1. Obviously, the Firestrike
    2. There seems to be something in the pocket of his Tactical Vest
    3. That Tactical Vest is different from the previous one Nerf makes. The elastic is blue(fitting with the Elite theme), and the way you would stow a sidearm is different(one small strap compared to the old model.

    Nerf just seems to want all of my money!
