
Monday, May 14, 2012

Nerf Projects: What to do?

Well, I haven't done much in the way of Nerf stuff in awhile.  I'm knee deep into Laser Tag stuff and wanna know from YOU what I should delve back into?  I'd be working on a Longshot right now were it not for the continued delays from OMW with the Immortal kit, so that one is kinda on the back burner.

So, I'm asking YOU... what should I tackle?  Some older projects like my unfinished Alpha Trooper Pistol, Air Canister Magstrike, or SMG Stampede?  Maybe something new that I haven't tried yet?  Toss some ideas out there and I'll start up something this week.  Either way, it'll be good to balance out this blog's activity again between my two hobbies that I cover.


  1. I say you should make a useful Hunter, since making one of those useful is like using duct tape to actually fix a duct.

  2. personally, I think you should toss your hopes of OMW helping you and make your own immortal kit. You have all the skills necessary to fabricate parts from metal/PC and it might just work better. you have a killer community to bounce ideas off too. be your own immortal hero!

  3. the AC Magstrike sounds cool. you should integrate a mini compressor pump to fill the tank too. some nerfers over here are doing it to rf-20s with good results.

  4. How about a decked out Swarmfire with a bigger plunger?

  5. Get to blasters that get way to little attention. Maybe something great for a barrel break that is not just cut to a half. It is my fav Blaster. Or get a close look to the Buzz bee Sniper, and mod the heck out of it! Do something new and awesome sauce!

  6. Kinda against the flow it would seem, but i'd really like to see an SMG Stampede; I've seen it done, but i'm still terrified of opening mine. I once opened a Vulcan to fix it, and I thought my life was at an end when I saw the internals; I did get it back together and fix it, it just took a while...
    Whatever you do though, it'll be interesting...
    Going off of Shannon though, i'd love to see you try an Angel Breach...

    1. I'm with you, I have a sonic stampede that's been minimized and I'd like to get an in depth voltage mod video

    2. Voltage mod: solder 9-volt clip to battery tray. But 8xAA holder at Radio Shack. Fill holder with trustfires or lipos. Attach to clip in sled. Replace sled. Your stampede is now voltage modded.

    3. I tried that but it doesn't work

  7. I vote Magstrike. That's what I'd get a kick out of.

  8. I have to go with the other anonymous, the idea of working with the barrel break or some other little covered blaster would be epic, whatever you do, tho, we'll enjoy reading about it

  9. Two big ones here. The hammerhead grenade launcher or the semperfire.

  10. I'd love to see a Nite-Mav writeup, mine failed miserably and I'm still trying to salvage it ;D

  11. Yeah, we seen compressor Magstrikes, we seen Stampete SMGs, we seen many great work. Also we seen great work done by you. But I am with the others: do something new of an underdog blaster and make it a super dog ;)

  12. I'd like to see the Alpha trooper pistol. I think that would be awesome.

    1. It would be pretty much just a Recon

  13. You need to do a project involving a Vulcan.
