
Friday, February 3, 2012

Soloz1 got a Box of Scraps! What's up for this week?

This week's winner is soloz1!  He's the lucky winner of those springs, rings, and other things in that box-o-goodies I put together last week! In general, I was hoping that whomever this stuff went to that we'd get to see some neat custom/upgraded blasters out of it.  No presure, soloz1, but I'm gonna have my eye on any recent mods you do!

Also, thanks everyone for having the most comments of any giveaway!  I always say that it's fun to read what you've got to say and many of you listed links with your favorite blaster, so it was neat to see what you guys like!

As for this week, the topic is Dual Wielding.  I'm still on the fence about this, as I have observed all sorts of pros and cons to this method of blasting, be it for Nerf or Laser Tag.  On the one hand, I have seen some really impressive players take on two at a time by targeting their opponents with a blaster each, somehow managing to tag them both out.  On the other, I've seen folks just go in guns-a-blazin and just waste ammo up the wazoo or get caught up in trying to reload both at the same time without having a free hand.  So my question is this:  What's your take on Dual Wielding?  It can be your own personal opinion based off of tactics you use or from seeing what others have done.  Whether you're for or against this maneuver, I wanna hear your side of it!

That said, this week's giveaway is not one, but TWO blasters that are popular candidates for dual wielding. I've seen some neat methods of priming these blasters with one hand so that dual wielding is possible.  This blaster is pretty much the most iconic N-Strike Blaster, recently winning the 2011 Boys' Toy of the Year in the UK.  Yes, the Maverick.  But instead of finding that Mav 2-pack at Wal-Mart for a great deal, you can land yourself TWO Maverick REV-6s for free!  You know how this works!  Just answer the question of this week in the comments below!


  1. Man. 2 mavs!? Anyway,I think duel weilding is alright. It can be used for good and bad. Good in 2 vulcans on tripods awesome but running out would stink. The barricade is good for it though. Do the clip fed mod and that's quite a bit of ammo. Sign me up for this giveaway. Who doesn't like the mav? I still don't see how you can duel weild them.

    1. There's several ways. If you're hands are big enough, you just slide back the priming handle with your thumb while still holding the blaster. Even Drac has come up with a few ways to dual wield these.

  2. Duel wield or not to duel wield. Well if you want to duel wield all the way, I would suggest this.

    Stationary: 2 vulcans as primary, 2 barricades

    If you want to be on the move, 2 rayvens, 2 barricades.

    If your a price picky person, I'll suggest the use of buzz bee and airzone.

    Stationary, Airzone punishers, and and buzz bee rapid blasts.

    Mobile, Any version of the T20, or the Quickfire galtiling blaster. secondary blasters as either the barricade or rapid blast.

  3. I love the idea of dual wielding, though I don't think many people have the mental capacity to be effective with it (myself probably included) It's still fun. With the release of the Rayven, and it's ability to take clip system clips, like the 35 rd drum, as cumbersome as it may be, means a good reliable and quick couple of guns that will get you a lot of tags. Put some shoulder straps on em so you can just drop one to reload the other quickly if necessary, and always have a backup for times to you can't reload.
    Maverick is easily dual wielded by attaching a strap from the back of one priming handle to the other and looping it around the back of your neck. push done, cachink, fire.

  4. Since I prefer smaller blasters over larger ones, dual wielding is pretty nice. It's difficult for me to prime them together (since I'm a pretty weak person), but it really helps to have two blasters at the same time because of their low capacities.

  5. Personally, I don't like dual wielding. Its just too mush to think about. However for those awesome people out there who are actually good at dual wielding, its always fun to watch someone get eliminated by two guns at once.

    Man I wish I could have won the box of scraps! Good thing I know soloz1 personally. I'll just ask if he can share. :)

  6. I know it's not the most popular but my favorite dual wielding
    has to be speedswarm!

  7. Wow! some of you over complicate this,screw dual wielding in Nerf! It is too hard to attempt to dual wield with nerf guns, so that is why I don't dual wield in nerf. Now laser tag is a differnt story. With the ltto scout(i think) it allows you to dual wield two guns and share the same life count. This is the only way I see dual wielding being helpful.

  8. I've never attempted dual wielding, but mostly because I don't have a pair of blasters conducive to that. When I'm playing hardcore guerrilla, I can see myself packing a pair of NiteFinders, though. Yes, NiteFinders. They are single shots, but that helps a li'll--Makes me take a little more time with my shots. Having two would let me take twice the shots before reloading, and the fact that they're NiteFinders makes it easy to quickly reload. I've yet to try this, but I'm fairly certain I can fit two NFs in one hand, too. That would mean I could prime them both simultaneously an' load 'em quick.

  9. Hmm. Well, dual wielding is really cool and fun but it's just not my style. I'd prefer to snipe the enemy one by one. If I'm rushing I'll use the Titan shotgun mod. with my Nitefinder or Reflex at the ready as a back-up. I've also seen people who do dual wield Barricades and they can be very effective if they have a buddy covering for them while they reload.
    As for a method for dual wielding Mavericks, I saw an HvZ promotional video on YouTube where a lady had rope tied around her shoulders to the holes in the back of the Maverick priming handles so she could extend her arm to prime one while shooting the other. Which I thought was a bright idea, especially for HvZ.
    C-dog (8-D

  10. Duel wielding can be done very effective in NERF.

    Example: 2 jolts attached together in one hand. It's duel wielding. Nowhere in the rules of duel wielding does it say it has to be in both hands. So unless it is with jolts, DON'T DO IT!

    1. That idea is WAY outside the box and I like it.

  11. I've dual wielded a few times. I actually locked down the correct angle at which to push mavs together to prime both of them at one. Sadly, both of my Mavericks have been lost to younger siblings lack of knowledge when it comes to nerf. If I were to win this both of these blasters would be introduced to OMW springs and homemade holsters!

  12. Dual wielding is most definitely controversial, but I have used it effectively on several occasions (I think there's a time for just about everything, with Nerf, but you've gotta use it in moderation). I find dual wielding in large part is a stupid idea, and I take a great deal of pleasure in shooting those individuals who believe it to be brilliant. I've been in scenarios where it has been myself verses seven other opponents, and I did dual wield mavericks, after shooting an opponent who had a maverick; I did this because they were traveling in groupings looking for me, it was close quarters (in an office building), and I needed the extra ammo. In large part I find that when you dual wield you get massacred while reloading, or even cocking, and a jam is detrimental while dual wielding; whereas if you have one weapon your focus is entirely centered, and you can effectively manage your weapon if it has an error, or needs to be reloaded. I do believe however that dual wielding Barricades, and or Speedswarms may entirely different.

  13. I've yet to try dual wielding, but I like the concept of it and with the introduction of the Rayven I think it will be very effective and fast. I think dual wielding Mavericks is neat and honestly like the idea more than dual wielding barricades, mainly because of reloading times. I can also see using Night Finders, but I honestly don't care for any of the electronic blasters other than the Stampede and Rayven, so I probably wouldn't use Barricades or SpeedSwarms.

  14. Well dual welding is always a contraversal topic since some people believe it is "noobish". But personally i think if anyone is capable of operating two blasters at once while having one eye on target for each blaster more power to them. Yet personally i play either way just depends on the missions. If i ever do i try to choose blasters that i can operate easily with one hand such as Barricade, Rayven, or my Stampede. I would love to dual my raiders but last i checked i don't have 4 arms to operate them. Mavericks are i think the most common blaster of choice for dual welding. My opinion of Maverick for dualing all i can say is good luck. It is just not possible to be fast and accurate while dual welding Mavericks without something tieing them together but even then its too slow.

    So all i will say is that as long as you are able to fully operate a blaster with one hand then i say its fair game to dual weld and though i'm not 100% agreed with dual welding its all in the eye of the beholder/ operator.

  15. It's already been summed up by the other comments pretty well, but I'll put mine here anyway.

    Mavericks CAN be dual-wielded effectively. As with most scenarios, combat effectiveness is determined more by the ingenuity and skill of the operator rather than the capabilities of the hardware.

    That having been said I would only dual-wield myself to increase my ROF/capacity in a situation where a better single gun was unavailable for suppressive fire.

    I think a more practical employment of two weapons is the "New York Reload", which means you use one gun until it runs out, then drop it and move on to your next gun that's already loaded instead of fiddling around with loose ammo.

  16. If hollywood has taught us anything it's that you will hit approximately 5x as many targets per round if you dual wield as long as you are back flipping and curving the bullet.

    Really though how do you go about reloading if you are dual wielding. And if you aren't using full or semi auto how do you prime your blasters effectively enough so that you are gaining any rate of fire?

    1. "If hollywood has taught us anything it's that you will hit approximately 5x as many targets per round if you dual wield as long as you are back flipping and curving the bullet." LOL! XD

    2. The only time ROF is increased with two manually-primed blasters is with a quick two-shot succession when both blasters are already primed.

      You are correct because other than that very specific technique it is much slower.

  17. I think that dual wielding can be useful when against many enemies. I think that the new Nerf Raven is probably the best blaster to use as a dual wield because it has high ammo capacity, and is semi-auto with good stock distance. Dual wielding can be trick with pump action blasters but if you have some fancy way that you can prime them without needing 2 hands, than go right ahead! As far as ammo usage, if you are smart and say you have one guy coming at you, there should really be no need to fire both your blasters at the same time. Which when you run out of one, if you are reloading, you still have another blaster ready to fire if you become under attack again.

  18. Dual wielding can either be extremely effective, or just terrible. With something like a stampede, barricade, rayven, or anything that is full/semi auto is very effective and fun. It can also be incredibly stupid though. If you are going to dual wield something, don't do it with something that would be difficult to prime or it will kill your rate of fire. Also, dual wielding vulcans just isn't practical. They are too heavy and don't have a stock to balance the weight like a stampede. But all in all, if you dual wield manta'd barricades, you win...

  19. Id say dual wielding is hit or miss based on the blasters chosen , ROF, and accuracy. I would only recommend high capacity and rate of fire blasters. Range doesn't matter too much, but the blasters should be semi or full auto.

    Blasters for dual wielding:
    Rayven (my top choice)
    Minimized stampedes

    One thing to keep in mind though when dual wielding is that accuracy goes down and time to reload goes up to forever.

  20. duel wielding is fun if you're using full auto blasters like rayvens, speedswarms, and stampedes but using springs is just so damn hard to duel wield effectivley.
