
Thursday, February 2, 2012

LT Q&A: Compatability!

"But Zook!  How can you be using the LTX DMR with a Laser Challenge sensor?!?"

"Because LC is about as picky as a garbage disposal."

In general, I receive a lot of questions regarding compatibility between laser tagging systems.  Admittedly, each system has it's own unique set of signals that they use to function, but there is one major crossover I've found between two popular laser tagging systems that has benefited my laser tagging group.  Here I quickly explain how Lazer Tag brand blasters from LTTO and LTX lineups can be utilized in Laser Challenge games.


  1. What other LT games do you like play with large groups besides simple team games? Capture the flag? Kings? Zone? Respawn? TagMaster? What are your favorites?


    1. Since we have more LTXs, we seldom host games through the LTTO gear. Hosting in general is an art none of us have managed to perfect and something always goes wrong. That, and we don't really know how those games work/don't have an understanding of how they play out. Quite honestly, it gets in the way of actual tagging. If we wanna play a Capture the Flag game, we get out our Electronic Flag unit. If we wanna play Zombies, we play Zombies.

      I suppose it comes from years of using Laser Challenge gear. We provide the parameters for the games, not the gear.

    2. That's surprising to hear you don't do the LTTO hosted games. That's all we do in our LT-SCO club - especially now we have the LTHQ. TagMaster and Respawn works really well in hosted games, especially 2/3 Team games, since you can select up to 99 tags to make for nice long games. You also have the added bonus of seeing your team/player rankings and PvP stats afterwards. Plus, I'm pretty sure the new LT gear will expand hosting features. However, truth be told, I am partial to LTTO, since I never got into LC.

      But you're right, mixing LTTO with LTX when hosting can complicate things. With LTX's you need to do them first and one at a time, since they don't have beacons. Once they are in the game, then you can join the LTTO's.

      Love the site and the videos. Keep up the great work!


  2. zook ive got a question for you: do laser tag guns take ammo/mags/clips?

  3. And of course you have a pic of the LTX DMR. So laser challenge works with LTTO? Cool.
