
Thursday, January 8, 2015

ZF-LS: The FAST Rail

Today I did some aesthetic work on my Zombie Fighter Longshot (ZFLS).  Using some new tools I got over the holidays, I successfully removed the top carry rail to make way for the FAST Rails from Xplorer Dart Blaster Developments.  The rails follow the existing lines on the blaster perfectly, as I expected, so getting them mounted should be no problem.  I also noticed that these rails weigh more than I had expected, so I hope this ZFLS doesn't get too top-heavy.

Some minor "repairs" to the outer shell might be in order, as the rails aren't molded quite wide enough to cover up the holes left behind by where the front portion of the carry rail used to sit.  Also, as I was test fitting and sanding to fit things right, I couldn't help but notice that this Longshot looks pretty aggressive without a big chunky barrel sitting out in front.  I may try to change up the front barrel of this to retain this kind of look, as there's PLENTY of "child-safe orange" already painted on the front of the blaster.  I'm still considering other ideas, so if you think of something that you think might look good, let me know!

I've also been trying out different combinations for internals to get this thing shooting just right.  I have a few springs that I'm considering using but I'm also still juggling between making this a shotgun-style prime or keeping it a bolt-action type.  If I go with a shotgun-style prime, obviously I can put a stronger spring in it... but it also still depends on what I do aesthetically with this blaster.  I've got some leftover bi-pod pieces I could use to give this an old-school grip up front and keep the original priming system.  Much like the first Elite Longshot I built, the spring would need to be strong enough to achieve the performance I want but not so strong that I can't single-hand prime it with the bolt.

I have also thought about integrating something underneath the main barrel like a Magnus.  I can't recall if the colors are the same between the ZS Magnus in blue and this Longshot.  I think a quick trip to Target is in order to see if my suspicions are true!  Or you guys could just save the the trouble and let this Nerf n00b know whether they match or not.

More to come soon!


  1. If you keep the bolt action, the bipod area is a great place to integrate a nerf scout. Plus with the alternate fire, you can cut out the trigger completely


