
Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Game #1 and the LTAR-AR

It's Fall!  This is my favorite season for several reasons and, among those, is Off-Season Laser Tag stuff.  Fall games are a lot of fun, what with the different colors, the crunchy leaves, the cool crisp air, and the fast-track to night games that can be a lot of fun.  Right now, as the MLTA sits "Off-Season Mode", there's a lot more time to work on projects, too.  This is the first installment of many that I'll be doing between now and when Season 10 for the MLTA starts up in May of 2015.  We kicked off Fall with a quick 2-on-2 Snipers game that also tested out the last few bits on equipment for the LTAR that we've been developing.

This is the start of a series of videos I'll be doing that covers development of our equipment throughout the Off-Season.  It'll cover the progress on the workbench AND being tested out in the field during our games, which is an element of development that I enjoy that is often overlooked.  I haven't really documented progress like this, so it'll be fun to share the entire process with you all!

Projects currently on the workbench that will be featured in the coming months are listed below.

This blaster is pretty much complete, as I have been using it almost all summer testing out 3D parts printed for use with the LTAR-series blasters.  It's 95% complete, so it shouldn't take me long to finish things up with that blaster.  Once it is done, we'll be producing it's 3D parts for sale through Tactical Tag!

Demolisher 2-in-1 (Laser Tag & Nerf)
By making use of the Rocket Launcher area on the Demolisher, I'm building a blaster to be used for both Nerf and Laser Tag games.  I've already started this and it's been a lot of fun so far, so I'm excited to use this blaster to showcase both Nerf and Laser Tag modifications.

M41A Pulse Rifle
It's been on my "To-Do" list for years... but I have vowed not to take on any additional Laser Tag projects that I don't already have going until this thing is finished and blasting Xenomorphs.  No more waiting!  It's time to go Bug Stompin'!

The first installment will be the COMPLETED version of the LTAR with details on how we made everything and how to get the parts we used on ours to build your own.  We should have that finished up before Halloween.  Keep it here for more updates on these blasters!

1 comment:

  1. I just picked up a vulcan off ebay for 20 bucks. Can't wait.
