
Monday, July 7, 2014

Rhino-Fire: This time it's real!

No more foolin, the real Rhino-Fire has finally come to the party!  Blogs, websites, and other social media are blowing up with photos taken from the listing for the latest N-Strike Elite blaster with all sorts of speculation to follow.  Two mag wells, two barrels, a Vulcan-esque Tripod-stanced setup, and Tactical Rails as far as the eye can see.

From the photos, you'll notice that the two barrels seem to expand and retract and have a blurry "these are clearly moving" effect to the graphics around them a la Pulsator.  There's obviously electronic power at work here, but details on how it works and what sort of firing system it uses are still unclear at this point.

It's sort of like a big Anti-Aircraft gun in the way that it looks and fires.  While the photo shows two darts parallel to eachother being fired, I'm willing to bet that the firing sequence shoots darts in an alternating sequence.  This is also in-line with the expanding and retracting barrels on the front.

There are all sorts of details we can speculate from the photos shown.  For instance, when you use this blaster on the ground with the tripod, you get to wear an orange hoodie sweatshirt.  However, when you stand up and take it off the tripod, your hoodie turns dark gray and your undershirt turns orange instead.  Pretty nifty feature.

This is likely their big "Christmas" blaster that'll knock out the shelves, but a link on Amazon could hint at an earlier release.  At the end of the day, we'll eagerly be waiting for more details as we wade into deep waters of speculative nonsense.  Until then, this blaster looks like a LOT of fun!


  1. Please, please, please have the comercial be a remake of the origional pulsator comercial :)

  2. Judging by the shape of that light gray part on the front of the shell, it looks like it houses flywheels. It might just be be nothing but two amped Rapidstrikes attached to each other.

  3. I would say the barrels probably fire alternating to follow the box art which would make more sense than both at the same time. This means double rapidstrike's stock fire rate and double its modded RoF as well, the tripod unfortunately looks like a recolored vulcan tripod which I honestly disliked the way they designed it, but that would mean you can use any of the vulcan tripods with this. And last thing is it probably uses flywheels based on nerf's recent stuff and the cost compare between that and a double stampede setup.

  4. seems like its gonna be powered by flywheels judging from the box art in the link (taken from SBNC's post) though they type of battery is too blur too tell :(

  5. Looks like it will only be a good buy if you want 2 25 round drums but then again hasbro will probly want 3 times the cost of a rampage for this thing so yeah pretty much another camblaster.

  6. Check out this vid of it firing!

  7. Strap one of these thing to each arm with a couple 35rnd drums....... lol.
