
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Nerf Blogs on the Up and Down

As I eagerly await the arrival of my Nerf Demolisher, I've been reading up on other reviews from those fortunate enough to pick theirs up a day or two earlier than I.  Bay Area Nerf already has the Thunderbow and Slingfire.  New to my radar of Nerf sites is "Blaster Labs", so I gave that a read.  Shortly after reading their in-depth review I was thinking "Wow!  Why haven't I read up on this site sooner?" so I started browsing through.  As I thumbed through the reviews and news bits through this visually appealing professional-quality site, I stumbled across one titled "Major Nerf Blogs Shut Down" that was published just after NM&R closed up shop.  It's been half-a-year since that, so I started to explore the current state of Nerf blogs and see if things have changed yet again in the ever-changing landscape of fan-led reviews and news sources.

Admittedly, I'm pretty out-of-the-loop on some stuff.  Only recently have I caught on with the /r/Nerf page on Reddit and just a few minutes ago, I got my first real look at Blaster Labs (which seems like a big deal to me).  I'm sure there's other giants or up-and-coming bits I'm missing, but I'm only one person who has a Nerf/Laser Tag hobby for those moments when free time can be found.  Finding that article on their site made me think "how have things changed since then?" so I got myself back into the mindset I was in when NM&R said goodbye.  What blogs were the big ones to keep an eye on then?

I think a lot of folks expected "My Last Dart" to fill the shoes that many big Nerf blogs had left vacant.  A quick look at the archive of his posts since starting out in December of 2012 shows a pretty obvious drop-off in activity that started in September of 2013 which flat-out skipped  October and November.  January of this year showed promise for a strong return, but then posts dwindled again after that.  Health issues and school have likely been the cause of much of the absence.

Another biggie was Basic Nerf, but they've had a bit more consistency to their activity.  From news updates to covering notables in the NIC to video footage of their own games, I really feel like Basic Nerf has been a strong staple for content.  I'm happy to report that things seem to be continuing at a healthy pace for them both on the blog and out in the field.  Typing up a review is one thing, but getting out there and having fun with your friends is always something I've stressed... and they do a GREAT job of doing that!

At the time NM&R closed up, I also pretty much considered SG Nerf to be a thing of the past.  Their most recent post then is STILL their most recent post now, so the anniversary of their October 17th post is now on the horizon.  Still a great resource, but I think they've quietly taken the back door out.  At least things in Singapore are still hoppin, as folks like Xplorer and a mighty band of Rangers continue to blast it up with awe-inspiring modded and custom blasters.

While not really a "blog", Bobololo has recently become a big favorite of mine.  He's been on the scene for awhile, but for some odd reason, I really didn't start watching stuff until recently.  Probably my bad for being super lame, but I do enjoy his videos and the podcast: NerfHerder.  I've also had the chance to talk with him from time to time and he's just as cool on-screen as he is one-on-one.  His enthusiasm and love for Nerf is obvious whether it's on his Facebook, YouTube, or Podcast, and it's INFECTIOUS.  Catch the Fever!!

Click Click BAMF probably has the most consistent and longest-running history out there.  They've been around since 2011 and always seem to have the inside-access to Nerf events.  Sometimes they're a bit behind the latest news, but they're always on top of things with reviews and catching invites to those Nerf parties.  They've also done a GREAT job connecting with members of the NIC.  War attendance is always notable with the folks at Click Click BAMF.

Southern Brisbane Nerf Club, or SBNC, gave us quite a scare a little while ago when they were among casualties of closing up show.  Happily, they made a return to Nerf and have yet to show future signs of abandonment.  Rob may not ever admit it, but I consider them the successor to the long-beloved Urban Taggers as far as the Australian blogging side goes.  He's done a great job covering news as well as local Aussie events that are always interesting to see.  I may be a biased fan of SBNC, as there was a pretty awesome shout-out to me for my wedding a month ago.  My wife and I still watch that and laugh!

There's more out there, but I thought I'd also make this an opportunity for readers to chime in with their favorites that are up-and-running.  It's always good to find out what awesomeness I've been missing!


  1. There is also this rinky-dink little blog out there from some dude called bazzokerfried. Might be worth a read? Its not all nerf, there is some lazy tag in there as well.


  2. I wish I had more time to update my blog, but every time I feel like I am coming off hiatus something new throws me back on.

  3. My personal favorite blog to read up on is The Dart Zone by Toruk
    The Dart Zone

  4. yeah, SBNC basically filled urban taggers for me too, I use you, basic, MLD, SBNC, awesomely nerf, uk nerf(a bit inconsistent), click click bamf, and some times AFoN or bay area nerf but they are often way behind the curve.

  5. You forgot randomshadow. He makes great reviews.

  6. Add street-tag to the dead list, I'll be doing a final post when I get around to it.

  7. You love me, you really love me! But seriously, I'm never going to fill UT's shoes

  8. Thank you for the kind words, Bazookafied. You mention some very fine sites, and we're honored to be included in that group. We hope to see you and other Tactical Tag readers on our site again, soon.
