
Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Most for The Least - Part 2

Earlier, I presented a question about what blaster you could get that offered the most for the lowest price.  Finding a balance between a reasonable price with good performance and features was difficult, so I narrowed it down to three blasters.  Below is the video that covers the comparisons between these blasters and, inevitably, which one I felt came out on top.  Admittedly, I also horse around a bit and poke fun at the range tests.  Plus, after viewing the footage and thinking more about things, there were elements to some of my tests that probably weren't the most accurate, but it was still fun to put together.

The results could easily be debated long and hard.  Part of why this took me a bit to put "Part 2" together was because I was struggling with a surefire way to narrow my search down to one blaster.  In the end, there's probably no real "right" answer to this.  The best blaster is always the one that works best for the player using it anyways, but this project really started out as a way to find a great blaster that won't kill your wallet.

The video is below!  Whether you agree, disagree, or think I'm outright crazy, I hope you enjoy it!


  1. i don't understand your " you can walk into any store and pick it up" rule which you basically ban all target blasters. If you literally mean practically any store then the only 2 contenders for this video would be the the jolt, firestrike and strongarm, you won't much else at a micro center or walgreens or kingsoopers or sam's club, I also don't see the point of the rule, the elite alpha trooper being at target doesn't make it less worth it.

    1. Oh I'm not saying the Elite AT isn't worth it at all. It's pretty much my favorite. I suppose the rule of "It's a target exclusive" is less important than "you can't get it at any major retailer" so Wal-mart, Toys R Us, K-Mart, etc. I didn't really think about the convenience stores and such.

  2. I haz sledgefire and i really like how it looks but its not a viable battle blaster. I need a battle friendly blaster that I can wield with my sledgefire. What would you recommend?

    1. I LOVE my SledgeFire, too! If you want to bring a blaster to battle alongside that, you'll need something smaller so you're not bogged down with gear during battle. Something small like the Strongarm or HammerShot would work well. Only trouble is that the HammerShot is more expensive than the Strongarm and carries 1 less dart.

    2. If you want to use both the SledgeFire and your other blaster at the same time, you should also consider that the HammerShot can be operated (with a little practice) with just one hand. The Strongarm requires both, so you'll need to stow your SledgeFire somehow.

      But if you have a sling or something else to hold your SledgeFire (or you're happy to just put it on the ground or hold it under your arm) the Strongarm is definitely cheaper and has a slightly higher capacity (only 1 dart more, but that's 20% of the HammerShot's capacity, so it is a fair amount), and slamfire on the Strongarm is much easier than fanning the hammer on a HammerShot.

  3. Died at the range test part, that was the best.

  4. I've always recommended people looking for a casual Nerf blaster to get the Strongarm. It's not entirely my taste (I prefer the Hammershot), but I always considered it the 'most for the least'.

  5. Of course the Nerf "shotgun" is accurate. Didn't you know, Nerf bass aackwards all their blasters. That's why you can't hit the broadside of a barn with their "sniper" the centurion :)

  6. I agree on the Strongarm as "most for the least", out of the three, it is the better blaster

  7. What, no retaliator? 12 shot clip and still only 20$

  8. I disagree about the "Target only" disqualification. Here in SF, Target is the best place to buy a Nerf gun, since we don't have a walmart or TRU within 45 minute drive. most urban cities are probably similiar.
    as for least for the most, it also depends on how you play. is it a Zv.H game, is it an indoor CTF? For our outdoor Jericho games, lots of us use the Triad or SledgeFire. Triad can be hidden in a pocket & Sledgefire can be fired with one hand.
    Lots of our newbies pickup strongarms and are happy with them (i.e they don't die because they got a crappy gun.) So I would have to agree that it's a pretty good choice, but it really depends on the game.
