
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hasbro ToyShop Teases! Amazon Delivers!

While I was working on preparing Part 2 of "The Most for The Least", I came across a bit of a tease.  While at, I couldn't help  but notice that the promotional picture for their "$3 off All Nerf" sale featured a white Retaliator.  Quickly, I went to see if I could PURCHASE said Retaliator only to find that it's the same old lineup with none of the new recolored blasters.

On top of that, I couldn't even find all the Nerf products I was looking for.  No RoughCut 2x4, no SledgeFire (although the spare shells can be purchased there), none of the FUN stuff, you know?

Oh wait!  Thanks to my good friends at the Nerf Reddit page, there are two highly anticipated blasters up for sale on!  The N-Strike Elite Demolisher, N-Strike Elite MEGA Thunderbow, and ZombieStrike SlingFire are available for ordering!  YAY!

Long story short... You can't get the White Retaliator yet, but you CAN get two of the most anticipated blasters of 2014 earlier than their "Fall 2014" release!  And you can also get the Thunderbow.  I always forget about this blaster...

Also, the Nerf Cam ECS-12 will be available August 15th and is available for Pre-Order now.


  1. Pretty awful posts, so glad I have adblock so im not giving your lazy reblogging self any money. Stop stealing others work and make something original, even if its just another repaint.

    1. I don't monetize anything, actually. Block all the ads you want. The last time I made money off my hobbies was never ago. But thanks for the kind words!

    2. Don't listen t this mean d*** head zook. I have never seen ads on this site, ever. And this is the first site that I knew about this information.

    3. It's funny how people who make this sort of comment always remain anonymous.

  2. The slingfire reads currently unavailable right now but looks like i'll getting the other two...

  3. I have the normal Retaliator and the Sonic Ice Retaliator...I can't wait to get the White Retaliator! ^_^
