
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Q&A: Everything Events!

While I was making preparations for the Introduction Video posted on Tactical Tag's birthday last week, I stumbled upon a lot of great old footage and it got my gears turning again.  Sometimes the best ideas for the future can come from the past!  One of those bits was something I think I enjoyed as much as readers and fans did.  There were two weeks where I answered questions from readers about Nerf and Laser Tag.  So, with the summer months coming up quick (sorry, Australia) and my own personal plans for the MLTA and a local Nerf group are ramping up, I figured what better time to field some questions about Event Organization.

It's really something I've pushed for awhile.  Not just to mod your blasters, but to get out and enjoy the fruits of your labor with your mates either indoors or outdoors (or both).  I did a video during those Q&A weeks specifically about Event Planning, so I thought I'd do two things.  The first, shed light on the information I've already provided (aka, go check out that video if you haven't before).  The second, field more questions from YOU about this and then go about answering them in a video format again.  It's a common enough question that I get both on a local level and in comments on Facebook, YouTube, and this blog.

SO, at the end of this week (April 26th), I'll hopefully have gathered up enough questions from everyone to put together a Q&A session for Nerf and Laser Tag Events.  Anything about events, from finding places to play to getting enough interest to start up a group (and keep it GOING), you ask 'em and I'll answer 'em!


  1. How do you deal with players who don't pay attention when the rules are being explained? When this happens to me I end up explaining things mid-game, which has been really getting on my nerves.

    Also what do you do to keep a group going, too keep people interested?

  2. Do you find embedded marshals to be of any use?

    What's a good way to go about convincing a school/university/public venue that it's good for their image to host an event on their grounds?

    Since a rainbow is a distortion of light, can you ever *really* find the "end" of it?

    Does the difference of an outdoor venue vs an indoor venue affect your decision on ammo colors? *Should* it?
