
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Basic Nerf Goes PRO

Some time ago I had a giveaway thing with the Facebook Group for Tactical Tag for the N-Strike Elite RapidStrike CS-18 that I had painted a white stripe on earlier last year.  In a recent set of war videos and reviews from Basic Nerf, the white-striped RapidStrike made its first YouTube appearance and it was nice to see this blaster get some screen time with one of my favorite bloggers!

He's volt-modded it and used it alongside an awesome MOLLE system he's arranged specifically for Nerf Wars, of which there are now several videos of his latest excursions in foam.  He's put together the footage quite well thanks to his Go Pro HERO strapped to his forehead!  Plus some of his gametypes are things I'd like to try out at one our our next games, too!  Check out his Facebook Page, while you're out and about on the Interwebs today.

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