
Friday, December 6, 2013

Coming Up: Dual-Wielding Duel

Well, from the looks of comments on the blog, YouTube, and Facebook Page, I'll be pitting two of Nerf's newest "dual-wield-able" blasters against eachother in a head-to-head showdown.  The Nerf ZombieStrike HammerShot will go up against the Nerf Dart Tag Snapfire 8!  It's truly a Dual-Wielding Duel to see which blaster can sling 'em the best.  Range, Size, Features, Cost, Capacity, Reliability, and Ease-of-use will all play major factors in this shootout to see what would fair better.

I'll be testing the blasters alongside eachother as well as being dual wielded with their own twins, so the test will require two HammerShot blasters and two Snapfire 8 blasters to complete.  Testing will be quite thorough, so with my busy weekend schedule ahead, I don't expect it'll be done within the next day or so.  Just thought I'd toss up a preview of what's to come and gather some more thoughts I might want to take into consideration before going forward with the tests.  All of the tests and comparisons I've done have been that much easier to do thanks to your insight and advice, so if you've got something to say, speak up!

In the meantime, I'll be wearing out both of my trigger fingers.  Oh, and if you were a fan of my MEGA Centurion review (it seemed to be more comical than anything based on folks responses), you may wanna check out the Snapfire Review.  Just sayin'!


  1. saying this off the bat, the snapfires have more potential than the hammershots but that requires skill and strength to deal with the flaws of the gun such as the trigger pull, rubbing on the skin and accuracy. Basically hammershots are great for beginning since it only requires a little getting use to but Snapfires Can be better if the user is good enough.

    1. As a person that has used both, I find that the Hammershot is supreme. The awkwardness of the snapfire's trigger pull which collapses in on itself makes rapid firing (the point of dual wielding) very hard. In addition the Hammershot's reliability in a tight battle situation (ie it's ability to point and shoot) make it superior. There is no fiddling with a strange and unreliable trigger pull. Plus I was using a modded Hammershot with an upgraded spring which made priming more difficult, and I was able to get similar if not superior rate of fire to the snapfire without the reliability problems. The question is not the user's "skill" or their "strength". I can get a decent rate of fire from a snapfire on power. So what? I'm no 6 foot guy with hands that can palm an over-inflated basketball.
      In the end the perfect "dual wielding weapon" comes down to reliability and personal experience. Obviously people have preferences, and where one person might really like to use a certain blaster, others might not. (This obviously excluding the centurion which just sucks.)
      Plus the Hammershot has the ability to have its turret spun like a real revolver which adds to #swag points.
      Sorry for the rant by the way.

  2. Really hard to say, large-ish hands are needed for the Hammershot and strong fingers are needed for the Snapfire. Both have their pros and cons. 5 darts vs 8, cool looking revolver vs yuk orange space gun.

  3. I think the greatest hindrance in dual wielding is the awkwardness of reloading two guns while moving. Trying to somehow hold two guns while using one hand to fit darts into the chambers is problematic.

    1. that's how duel wielding is with real guns, The idea is you use both pistols and drop or put them away when you run out of ammo and then reload them when you are safe.

    2. Very true, that is why in Boondock Saint El Duce had 6 pistols in a holster rig like he had. Spend one pair, drop them draw the next & repeat
