
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tactical Ties

So most of you know that I recently purchased a new home.  There are fun things that go along with that and some troubles.  One of the issues I learned quickly was that my "shipping address" changed, so my previous home was getting much of my mail.  Well yesterday, I got a letter (though it arrived here months ago) that had been sent from a good friend across the pond.  It's from one of my good ties from Australia and, while I won't disclose his name on the blog, it was a nice surprise to get from him!  Enclosed, with a hand-written letter, was a set of dog tags that had "Tactical Tag" stamped on them.  I suppose you could say they're "Tactical Tags"!

Just a reminder of the many great connections I've made through this blog's history so far.  It's such a thoughtful gift I thought I'd take the time to thank him publicly for this.  I wish I had gotten them sooner, but I almost preferred getting something like this around this busy holiday season.  It also gives me something new to report amidst my ever-increasingly busy schedule that comes with this time of year.

Thanks, buddy!  Your friendship is invaluable and it was great hearing from you!

Now the next trick: figuring out how to repay his kindness!  Challenge accepted!

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