
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

From the Right, Sundawg, Bazookafied, Eleri, Duncan
Wanted to wish all my US-based fans a Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm very thankful for the support and interest of my readers here that keep me going.  I'm also thankful for the many great friends I've made through my hobbies.  Recently, I got a great surprise from one of my good friends over in Australia.  Yesterday I got a great surprise from one of my good friends at CTDYNE!  Duncan MacKinnon of Custom Tag Dynamics was in town yesterday visiting family and made a quick stop by where I work.

For me, having Duncan stop by is like having Psyk or Bobololo run into a fellow Nerfer in their hometown.  Usually I get an e-mail from him saying he'll be in town, so I was not prepared for this appearance.  I probably squealed like a fanboy a few too many times, so I hope I didnt' scare him off.  Just another reminder of why I'm thankful for these hobbies that I've made so many great friends through!  Hope all of you have a great day with family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the warm reception, Mike. I always get the celebrity treatment - deserved or not. Actually, it's celebrity by association - with CTDYNE. I hope to have time for another get-together with the MLTA on the way back through. Happy Holidays.
