
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Back on Track!

Hello, everyone!  I've recently hit quite the busy patch in life, but I think I've got things all sorted out.  Work has been busier than usual, there are more home renovation projects than hobby projects, planning stuff for a wedding, music gigs, and some work on a car I rescued.  As a result of my short absence, I'm not exactly sure where to start back up!  Thought I'd give folks a chance to vote on a couple things I could get back into the game with!  Here's what I've got in mind.  Cast your vote as a comment and I'll get started on the ones with the most votes!

Option 1:  Finish the Elite Longshot Ver 2.0
What I need to do with this one is revisit the internals first.  The last Nerf Game I had it at, it would only fire the first dart in the clip and then it wouldn't work anymore.  It would prime, but the dart wouldn't leave the blaster.  Might be major work, might need to redo the whole internals setup, might be something simple.  Once I've got that figured out, it'll need another Internet-Confusing Elite Paintjob so all the kids can troll me and say "NERF DOSNT MAKE AN ELITE LONGSHOT YOUR A DICK!!!".  I think that's the bit I'm least excited about, as I'm still getting grief from my first Elite Longshot.

Option 2:  Custom LTAR Rifle!
Admittedly, I thought I'd already have a customized LTAR blaster running around with my Laser Tag group, but I have yet to actually go through with any of my plans for this.  I've got several designs/shells I'd like to use for it and, with the new park in my back yard being quite the success (we did our first game about a week ago, I'm just lame and didn't say anything about it) it'd be a good place to try stuff out.  The nice thing with having a laser tag park in your back yard is that, when something goes wrong, you just run back to the house and either do a quick fix or grab a spare blaster.  I know most of my fans are into Nerf, but I'm secretly hoping this one gets some votes.  Honestly, I could just say "no votes!  I'm doing this one!" but I'm gonna let the people decide!  That's the kind of person I am!

Option 3:  Attempt making the Centurion Better
I keep talking about this, but I still haven't opened that piece of junk up.  In all honesty, I'm seriously just considering gutting it and using it as a prop or some kind of handicapped Laser Tag rifle of doom.  I've just been so upset with the blaster that I've lost motivation to bother doing any good work on it.  Even when it DID work, it wasn't that great of a blaster.  I've still only got one dart left that it didn't chew up, as I don't want to buy the dart refill pack if I'm not going to use it again as a dart blaster.

So VOTE!  Make your intentions known!  Either way, I'll likely tackle all 3 of these at some point.  It's just a matter of which one I start with.



    You should work on laser tag first. In case you couldn't tell.

  2. Option 3.
    Re-chamber it to Elite Darts.
    Make it Direct Plunger.


  3. I reckon you should recase the Centurion for an awesome Lazer Tag Sniper blaster as they say, it IS rubbish, and finish the Elite Longshot V.2, as I loved the look of your first one.

  4. I voted custom LTAR. Treat yourself after a horrible week.

  5. Elite Longshot and Centurion.
    Fix up the feeding issue (whatever it is) of the Longshot, paint it and stuff and it'll be awesome.
    Make the Centurion fire Elite darts, which'll be easy with just a rebreech, and you can start chomping up a more robust, common and cheaper ammo type. :P

  6. LTAR! I'm from Germany and imported a bunch of LTAR and LTTO guns from the US (they're yet to be released over here and maybe never will) to start a small group in Berlin. I'm following your site and channels quite bit now cause and I'm learning some fundamentals in Arduino at the moment to start some customization. Would be so cool to have some vests for those taggers. So all news about lazer tag and customization is highly appreciated :)

  7. LTAR! I'm from Germany and imported a bunch of LTAR and LTTO guns from the US (they're yet to be released over here and maybe never will) to start a small group in Berlin. I'm following your site and channels quite bit now cause and I'm learning some fundamentals in Arduino at the moment to start some customization. Would be so cool to have some vests for those taggers. So all news about lazer tag and customization is highly appreciated :)

  8. I cant decide, but an order of preference I would love to see - Make the Centurion less sucky (I dont think it can ever be "good"), Custom LTAR, then the Elite. Revisits are good, but new is better :)

  9. re-chamber the centurion for elite darts and try to fix some of its issues

  10. Andy W

    My preference would be Option 1 the Elite Longshot Ver 2.0. I would love to see it completed.

  11. I think you should do option 4: A basic mod guide for the LTAR.
