
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Off-Season Mode

Season 8 for the Midwest Laser Tag Association concluded last night with our 15th scheduled "Fight Night" game.  The usual bit, cookout at 6 and games at 7.  While I wasn't crazy about the lower turnout this year for games, I was really quite happy with the quality of players we got this summer.  We also have some great progress on Custom blasters that we'll be focusing into full-fledged IR Blasting monsters in the Off-Season... which brings me to all the plans I have between now and mid-May of 2014, when the MLTA will enter into it's 9th Summer Season!

I've got quite the checklist of stuff I want to do in the Off-Season, including some projects like my LTAR-converted RapidStrike.  For the most part, my interests will be in exploring new possibilities for our group.  If you've missed it, I have moved to a new home that pretty much has a Laser Tag-worthy park right in the backyard.  I've got a group of folks that will help me test out the first of hopefully many games in this new park.  If there's enough local support during the off-season, we may actually move the MLTA's 9th Summer Season to operate out of this park, which would make things a TON easier for me to continue this.

In years past I had attempted to "hand off" the MLTA to other players whom I had hoped would carry the torch and continue our laser tag group without my constant watch.  An ever-increasingly busy lifestyle was approaching and I thought that this kind of a switch was inevitable.  However, when I tried to hand the torch to others, I found myself doing most of the same amount of work from before.  It was now more troublesome than ever, so I feared the MLTA would fizzle away at some point.

Now, with the new house and new park, planning games looks to be easier than ever!  However, none of that means anything if the park is no good for laser tag, which is why we're going to run some test games in the park to see how things pan out.  Off-Season mode is always our time to prepare for the next active Summer Season, but this time it's not just about the gear.  Location, location, location!

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