
Thursday, August 8, 2013

NERF ZombieStrike SledgeFire Review

Zombies knocking at the door?  Greet them with a 3-round blast from your SledgeFire!  This shotgun-style cartridge-fed blaster is fun to use, comfortable to aim, and down-right deadly.  Although I wish it came with more cartridges or that you could buy more cartridges separately, a fresh supply of darts in a nearby pouch shouldn't hinder you as long as you manage these cartridges well.

Check out my quick video review after the jump!


  1. The actual term you were looking for to rever to the relationship between grip and stock is "pull", just saying.

  2. If I get around to it, I might make some shells with my printer, but I am sure that if I don't get to it that slydev will make these too.

  3. I'm really curious about this blaster. It looks gorgeous and has an intriguing set up, but I'm still asking myself something I almost never ask when looking at a Nerf blaster, since it's so easy to see most of the time: how practical would this actually be in a war? It seems like juggling the three darts into the cartridge could potentially be a pain. Am I just making something out to be worse than it is?

    Also, how much of a spread do the darts get? I assume it's pretty random, but do they usually stay close together, or do they like to go all over?

    1. It's won't be practical unless they release more shells. Spread is tighter than rough cut and barrel break - 1ft shot grouping @ 20ft.

    2. So basically stick with my roughcut with 4x2 mod. Think if Hasbro wanted these to sellout they would have released the sledgefire before the roughcut. Would be nice if Hasbro made a shotgun that had at least a bit of spread. Think I'll eventually need to get tubing of some kind & put in some shimmed tubes to achieve the spread Hasbro neglected.

  4. This feels and maybe looks a bit EXACTLY like the Hydra from Resident Evil

  5. Just got one of these and loving it. With a small bit of practice you can reload the shells in their stock slots pretty quickly with the third loaded and your other hand still ready to fire, so it has that over clip-fed and single-shot blasters. Something I noticed, though this may just be mine, is that it fires nearly as hard stock as my moderately modded Longshot does, and hurts MORE at zero range despite having a larger area of impact. Could also be their legal team giving up on this also being little kid safe.
