
Friday, July 19, 2013

More ZombieStrike Repaints!

This time it's not a photoshop.  To the right is a photo from the San Diego Comic Con courtesy of my friend JetCell of the NerfWiki.  There's a whole slew of photos taken from this event that can be seen <here> too.  Several fans have pointed out how many of these blasters look like they were designed as N-Strike Elite or Vortex blasters first.  You can clearly see an "N-Strike ELITE" logo on the handle of the SideStrike for the ZombieStrike lineup that's been unveiled recently.

On the one hand, this looks like "let's launch a new lineup... but we only have a few original designs, so we'll just take some designs from the Elite line" quick fix... it could also mean that, later on, we'll have both ZombieStrike and Elite/Vortex versions of these blasters, simply recolored.  Nerf isn't exactly against the recolor idea, as evidenced by the countless Sonic, Whiteout, Red Strike, and Clear series blasters (and a bunch I missed in that quick list) that they've released over the years.  Heck, even the HammerShot for the ZombieStrike line up is a recolored and slightly retooled version of a Rebelle pistol!

Regardless of color, these ZombieStrike blasters are said to have "Elite" ranges, so they'll perform the same from the sounds of it.  The SideStrike is also designed to fit into a special holster, so I can't help but wonder of that was a more tacti-cool design that was intended more for the N-Strike Elite lineup in the first place.  Oh wait... there's a gigantic N-Strike Elite logo on there!

Either way, there's a bunch of blasters headed our way to defend against the legions of the undead!


  1. Great post - but are there too many coming our way? :/

    1. I'm all for more blasters, but, it's like Hasbro didn't even try with the design and are just pumping out shelf fillers.

  2. Woah, is that a giant "E" under the "spray painted" Z even? I suppose its fitting with the post apocalyptic theme to repurpose preexisting designs ... Maybe.

    1. I suspect that this may be a deal similar to the inital release of the EAT. When the EAT first came out it still had the N-Strike logo on it, rather than the NSE logo. However, newer batch EATs have the NSE logo on them. I suspect that although these blasters have NSE logos on them, after the first batch of them has come and gone, the logos will no longer be present.

    2. Excellent observation. I think that'll be the case, especially since we're almost a year out from some of these blasters release.

  3. That looks like a dart tag indentation under the Zombiestrike logo on the sidestrike. ?
