
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rain Threatens, We Win!

Weather during this time of year is always unpredictable, especially in the Midwest.  Despite a seemingly constant threat each week of Rain, Thunderstorms, and even Tornadoes, we've yet to cancel a game due to weather this week!  Since the start of our weekly Laser Tag games on May 9th, we've had 6 games (one per week) all on schedule, so I'm pretty impressed with our luck so far.

This area is known for unpredictable weather, with this latest round of storms threatening to delay the opening ceremonies of the College World Series, hosted every year here in Omaha, NE.  However, the rain is a welcome change from the drought we endured last summer.  Growth in the park was limited and we didn't quite get the lush cover we've come to expect from the park last year.  Not only is that thick growth back this season, but it's more overgrown than ever thanks to the constant round of storms running through the area.  Grassy fields now reach the 5 and 6 foot mark, making the entire park one gigantic hiding spot.

I also started getting a bit worried earlier this season with lower turnout, but with weather being so uncertain at many of our games, a lot of folks have been cancelling plans to attend because of this.  Still, we've managed to get good turnout each night as veterans and newbies team up under the cover of some not-so-certain clouds.

The thing that's made me most happy are the new faces that have been coming back.  Each year we lose a few veterans due to their busy schedules, but it's nice picking up a few fresh players to fill in the spaces.  They've been having a great time and are inviting more of their friends as well, so I hope our "Friends of Friends of Uncles-cousins-nephews-former roomates" trend continues!  We'll see!

The Midwest Laser Tag Association is approaching the middle of our regular season.  It lasts 14 weeks, so with one game per week, June 20th will mark our 7th game.  There's more plans, more people to invite, and more mods to come, so I'm excited to see where this season takes us!


  1. So with all that tall grass, don't you get tons of insect bites each week?

    1. Boots, Long Pants, and insect repellent pretty much have us covered. Besides, folks who don't like bugs just stay out of the deep cover and stick to the path.
