
Saturday, June 15, 2013

500,000 Mark!

Thank you everyone for your continued and loyal support!  A little over 2 years ago, I had no idea this blog would make it to this milestone.  Tactical Tag would not be where it is today without your encouragement, input, and enthusiasm!

And JUST to say thank you, I'm going to give away a Nerf N-Strike Elite Firestrike!  Just leave a comment saying how you found this blog!  I'll draw the winner at random and post on Monday the name that was drawn.

If you're posting a comment without an account, leave your "name" in the comment.  You can't win if you post as "Anonymous"!

Good luck, everyone and THANK YOU again!


  1. I found this blog through Nerf Mods and Reviews. And since the first day I looked back from the first post you've done, going all the way through and I must say that I am amazed by how awesome all aspects of your blog are. I can't thank NM&R enough for showing me this amazing site, and thank you, good sir, for allowing me and all others to view your works. This is signing off for the night. Cheers.

  2. I found your blog when I was reading UT and scrolled down to the links. I saw 'Tactical Tag' and I thought it sounded cool so I clicked on the link and found this!

    Keep up the great work!

  3. I found this blog, after fruitless searches, looking for a decent lazer tag, nerf, and (sometimes) super-soaker blog.
    And by god i found it!!!!
    P.S. Brownie points for being first?!?!

  4. Congratz! I found your blog through NMR>

  5. I found the blog through UT I think, the N-Strike vs Vortex game (2011 September).
    Just a quick question, is this available internationally or just in the US?
    If just US then ignore my entry.

  6. Massive congratulations Mike, to maintain a blog for this long and continue the in-depth content is super awesome! Many more annerfversarys to come!!

  7. I first found this blog when I was browsing through all of Urbantaggers' affiliates and have coming back since. Just call me StrategicPanda

  8. I've been trying to get information on the gear and fun ideas for the LTTO series for Ltaggin activities I've been hosting within my fellowship and friends, and after some scrounging around Google I found this wonderful blog about 3 of my favorite things - Nerf guns, LTag, AND making cool modifications. I've stuck around since finding myself gravitating to your more level-headed reviews on all sorts of shooty products and fun updates on the tagging side of your life.

  9. I saw a firestrike giveaway... so I entered here

  10. I found this through NM&R. It was first when you posted the rayven clip comparison. I've been on board reading this blog. I've learned a lot about laser tag and have considered buying some. This is a great blog that deserves more recognition.

  11. Congratulations!
    I found your blog while searching for Nerf blogs/websites/sources. I have subscribed because I liked what I saw!
    Great blog!

    João from ExtremeNerf

  12. I discovered your blog digging into different 'projectile' based hobby sites.

    Met you via NMR chat.

  13. I found this blog when I Google-searched for a Nerf pistol holster and found, 1SLT: Nerf/Laser Tag Holster! Thank you, this is one of my favorite blogs. Rogers1911

  14. I found this blog through Urban Taggers!

    Love the work you do here, and how you, as a full-grown man, are not afraid to have fun with what the sneering eyes of the world would call "kid's toys". Nerf is truly an all-ages fun-for-everyone experience, and a very respectable hobby! I'm honored to be a Nerf enthusiast like you.


    -Augustin Lee

  15. Goodness, I'm not even sure if I remember how I found you. That was a long time ago... I *think* it was via Urban Taggers, but that doesn't totally sound right. Regardless, thanks for fleshin' out this li'l corner of the internets. It's been a pleasure to interact with you!

  16. I found you from Nm&R when jerm ran an article with you showing up. I checked it out, found high-quality articles and other information, and stuck around.

  17. Congrats on the milestone!! Hoping for many more of your introspective debates on the state of Nerf in the near future. :) As for finding your blog, I do believe I found it through one of the links provided by Urban Taggers. Once I got here, I couldn't get out.

  18. Congrats, I found this while after I found out that there are so many types of equipment for nerf. I googled a lot of random websites to find more about which guns were the best, a frankly, you give some of the best realistic reviews.

  19. This blog was actually one of my earliest contacts with Nerf MOdding and the like as very young kid, i remember the day I fell upon the blog and the fun I had digging through the library of posts. Stupid me then decided to forget the link and rediscover it through NM&R later, when I also had made an account to follow with. Since then, this blog has been one of the best sources for rants, reviews, and general good content. Keep it up!

  20. Found you through NM & R, keep up the great work!

  21. Found you on Tactical Tag. I'm always checking your blog for more every day!

  22. Absolute, balls-out, massive congratulations on the milestone, Zook. Been so long I can hardly remember how I first started to follow you...probably through the links on Urban Taggers.

    Saw that you commented on a post that Animal had made about the Document over at Coastal Bend, and wanted to let you know somewhat more directly that I'm back in (perhaps somewhat limited) action and have completed the remaining major pieces of the rules set that were missing following my disappearance.
