
Sunday, December 9, 2012

When I was looking for the Firestike...

...I found these two fellas.  Guess it'll have to do.  That's right, the RoughCut 2x4 and the Strongarm have become the latest additions to my N-Strike Elite Family!  Pictures and a little bit of an initial review are in this post, but I'll eventually have full video reviews of both.  Until then, enjoy these photos on my Facebook Page!

Sadly, there's not a whole lot of justice that "Pic Spam" can do for either of these.  There's only a few gadgets that look decent on these two blasters, so I tried 'em out.  I would have to say that the best accessory for the RoughCut has to be the Barrel Break's ammo clip (it's perfect because it fits 8 darts).  For the Strongarm, I suppose the neatest thing I could think of was using it as a shield with the Super Soaker accessory while using something Semi-automatic with your dominant hand.  Kind of a "Sword and Shield" type of thing.

I've already modified my Strongarm by removing the AR.  There's only one AR in it instead of the 6 that were in the Maverick or the 5 in the Spectre.  It's internal layout is unlike any other pistol I've seen.  I was seriously impressed with it.  The RoughCut 2x4 has remained unmodified, mainly because I've been told that if you remove the ARs in this blaster, you ruin it's "Dart Sensors" that are honestly one of the more impressive parts of this blaster.

Again, I'll have full reviews on each of these blasters in the coming days. I'll also have a full review on the Stryfe, as I realized that I only did a brief internals overview of it.  My Elite collection just keeps expanding and I can't wait to see what's next from Nerf!


  1. Haha. Yes! I beat you! Now I just need to get these posts up before you. :P

    1. Quality first. I could've thrown some stuff together in the few hours I had, but I've got time on Wednesday and Thursday that I plan to use to making some quality reviews on 'em.

  2. What were the results of AR removal on the Strongarm? When I did the internals post for NM&R, my experimentation suggested it was a bad idea to simply delete it without further modifications. Was I mistaken somehow?

  3. Well Zook, I gotta ask..... what ranges are you getting with the StrongArm?

  4. It's as if, Nerf put in the dart sensors to prevent you from taking out the ARs
