
Sunday, July 29, 2012

LTARs' Combat Run

This past weekend, a few members of the MLTA got to see their first glimpse of the LTAR in an actual game setting.  This coming Wednesday, everyone will be able to see it, but I decided to hold a small match for a few that were interested.  Everyone who wanted a go at the LTAR got a chance to use it during our small 3 on 3 matches in a great little park.

LTXs and LTARs fared well together
 The LTAR was used without the iOS attachment for these games, mainly because the glare off the screen was a bit of a pain to deal with.  With only two LTARs and the rest using LTXs, we did basic Grab-n-Go Team games.  The LTAR's effective range was about equal to that of an LTX from what we could see and the iron sights definitely helped us make full use of that.  Another nice feature was the Semi-auto/Full-auto option for the LTAR.  If you hold down on the reload switch, you can switch between these options.  The only problem is that if you're trigger happy, the blaster "overheats" and you have to wait for it to "cool" before you can fire again.  The lack of a display for this makes it a little tricky to use, but I figured out that 10 continuous shots will get you in overheat land so I was careful when laying down shots like that.
Sundawg's Ultimate LTX cleaning house

On the other hand, the LTAR was much more stealthy than the LTX in that there are no light-up displays on the blaster (until you're hit, of course) whereas the LTX has it's ammo and strength gauges lit in bright LEDs.  Veteran players of our group nicknamed the LTX the "Christmas Tree Gun" when they first came out because of this.  As the evening progressed, the LTAR got the stealthy edge because of this.

Size Comparison
Overall, it was a fun and reliable blaster to use.  Up against other LTXs it worked great.  It's enemy detection with other LTAR and LTTO blasters was neat, but at times this became a bit troublesome while the blaster was too busy alerting you of things and giving you "hit" confirmations  when you were instead trying to tag out your opponent.  It's still a well-built and effective blaster, and a welcome addition to the Lazer Tag brand.


  1. So what's the release date and where will it be sold?

    1. Officially this fella goes live on August 1st, but they have started to show up at Target stores earlier. These will be carried at Target, Wal-Mart, and Toys R Us.

  2. now for a lazer-tag themed "nerfday" hehe

  3. Can the LTAR be used without any iOS device, just pick two up and start shooting at each other?

    1. Yes. He said he did that. The pictures show that.

    2. I've done reviews both with and without the iOS that show the LTAR to be fully functional in both forms. The link is here>

    3. Good, because I was thinking my brother and I could get two, but we don't have any iOS devices.

  4. nice write up again mike....sam

  5. I just happened on your blog and it's nice. I recently got into laser tagging. Here in Bangalore, India we have 3 arenas only. 2 lazer runners and 1 Zone. It was fun but something was missing. Then i read about MLTA in your blog. We want to start something like that.

    I have a few questions. We are 12 of us and from what is available the LTAR is the best option. we were able to get 2 laser tag team ops guns. The rest we want buy LTARs.
    So here are the questions,
    1)How many players can join a hosted game on each team?

    2)One of us is able to get a Bazooka B.L.A.S.T. will it work with the LTTO hosted game?


    1. Dear Emmanuel,

      a little late, but....from what I know it will work, cause it belongs to the LTTO lineup. The Bazooka can even host a LTTO game by itself.

      I just bought the exact setup you're talking about to start a group in Berlin. Got the first LTAR Blasters today and I love em :)
