
Monday, June 25, 2012

LTAR: Release Update!

This past weekend, the Lazer Tag Augmented Reality system (LTAR) made an appearance at the annual "TagFest Northwest" event sponsored by 1 Source Laser Tag. Many of my laser tagging heroes were in attendance and, as usual, I was unable to be there. One of these days I'll make it, but this year was a HUGE bummer since TagFerret, the mastermind behind LTTO, LTX, and now the LTAR, had units on hand to use for their games. So not only do we actually have reviews/additional info about the LTAR from seasoned laser tag fans, but we also have an update for it's release date.

Thanks to WindJammer's site and the LTTO Yahoo! Group, we now know the gear and the App will be arriving at the North American toy retail supply chain at the Port of Long Beach, CA on July 8th. That App will be essentially a Beta version, missing some functionality. It will have been updated to the full version 1 App by August 1st, which is the official on-shelf date for North America. Updates to the App will continue to be released regularly.

For more info and for Flux's review and impression of the LTAR, go to Windjammer's LTAR site!


  1. Dammit no android release

    1. There will be. TagFerret is working on that right now, actually. So it'll be there, just not initially.

    2. Not to burst bubbles, but the iOS app is still being worked on... Android won't be until next year, at the earliest.
