
Monday, June 25, 2012

Laser Tag: Q&A Session #2

Near the beginning of the year, I did a series of videos taking questions about Nerf and Laser Tag and had a great time answering them.  I thought I'd open up the floor again for more questions, as well as a review of topics that I've already covered.  Being in the heat (literally) of laser tagging season for the MLTA right now really has me engaged in this hobby and with the release of the LTAR coming up soon, I thought I could be of some help to those who are still curious about this widely unappreciated game.  As a review, there's a list of the previous videos I had put up that might answer some questions you may already have.

So if you've got questions, I'm in the answering mood again!  Either comment below or leave a comment on one of my videos!


  1. How do you think the LTAR, and others, like AppTag will increase the popularity of the general sport of Laser Tag?

  2. What do you think about LTAR? Like, do you see potential for a recasing, what do you think of it being somewhat app-based, etc.

    1. The recasing potential of the LTAR is crazy high. I was at TagFest, and we opened up one of the ones that were there.

      Other than the dome, there's one roughly 3x1-inch circuit board in the LTAR, plus two little tiny boards for the fuses, and the three pushbuttons.

  3. I really don't like lazer tag

  4. With the app function of LTAR and a push for that how do you think it will effect laser taggers who dont have a iDevice?

    1. Not much at all. The LTAR can be used in many different ways. It can be used much like the LTX for grab and go games. It can be hosted by LTTO and it can be hosted by a LTAR with just one idevice needed. However, to get the most from the system everyone would need a idevice.
