
Saturday, February 11, 2012

LTAR: New Pictures!

Thanks to TagFerret reporting from ToyFair 2012, we've got production models of the white version of the Lazer Tag Augmented Reality (or LTAR) blaster.  These were posted by TagFerret on the LTTO Yahoo! Group.
"White one is unpainted but shot from production molds. Shows what the blaster looks like without an iOS cradle or an iron sight.
Painted one is also from production molds and shows (white) iron sights. Sights are not fully seated as there is a programming cable in the way.

Both photos from Toy Fair."
So we've got an iOS cradle-less look at the LTAR.  I'm a fan!  Well, I was a fan to begin with, but this is a much more traditional-looking blaster that'll appeal very much so to the seasoned fans of Lazer Tag.  I'm REALLY liking how this fella is shaping up!

Have you missed out on all the LTAR information so far?  Check out the links below!


  1. these blasters are shaping up to look really cool...but i still don't understand why they are going for only 1 sensor on the gun. the way Battle Tag was set up sensor-wise is a much more appealing way to go about laser tag IMO. one sensor on the gun just isn't enough.

    1. Since the LTAR is the successor to the LTX and LTTO blasters (both have a sensor-on-blaster design), it makes sense that it continues that setup. It's reverse compatible with them not just in software, but in general design. It would be unfair for someone to show up with a full torso-mounted sensor system for a game where everyone else just had sensors on their blasters. The guy with the full sensors would get all different kinds of owned!

  2. if the new LTAR system is backwards compatible, what would be the problem of adding a sensor vest to the package? the sensors should work just as easily on the old guns as the new ones if that's the case.

    and i really don't understand this idevice compatibility. i know it's not required to play the game itself but in order to take advantage of the NEW FEATURES of this new system, you need one. and not everyone can afford a $400 iphone just so they can play a new version of laser tag.

    outside of that it's the exact same as the old systems. same ranges, same reload, same shields, same one sensor design. i know i'm probably asking too much from a simple toy company but i want to see further ranges, more sensors, gun addons and pickups.
