
Friday, February 24, 2012

Jon-Marc is our Winner this week! Will you win next?

Congratulations are in order for Jon-Marc, who's getting a Vulcan Ammo Chain!  With all the buzz around the new stuff we've been covering, if you need a recap of some things, check out these links below!

Now then, onto the giveaway and question for February 24th-March 1st.  With all the new neat blasters Nerf has been coming out with, be it N-Strike, Vortex, or Dart Tag, there still seems to be a big interest in "vintage blasters" because of how much more powerful most of those blasters were in comparison.  I'm kind of torn between liking high-performance blasters when today's weaker blasters can still be modified to perform better.  From the hobby  side of things, I like having to dig into my blaster to make it work better, but you can't deny the raw power in some of these older vintage blasters.  So, this week's question is as such:  Vintage or New blasters, which do you prefer?

And, in going with that question, here's a neat in-between blasters.  It's a Tech Target pistol that's been modified to use modern Nerf darts by being rebarreled.  It gets EXCELLENT ranges and is compact enough to be used as a sidearm very effectively in games.  If you want this little monster, give us a comment answering that question and you'll be entered to win!  Good Luck, everyone!


  1. Prefer? I'm gonna guess "both" isn't an option? :P

    Honestly, i really dig the look, function, and most importantly standardization of modern nerf blasters. Barrel extensions, stocks, attachments and clips are not blaster specific, for the most part, this makes things easier on the player, and on the wallet. In theroy anyway.

  2. Dang it. Thought you were giving away that crossbow. About freaked out :P I think both sets of blasters are great. I have an AT3K and it's pretty decent. Might just be me but only 15 feet. Does a blue longshot count as vintage? I've only been a nerfer for a year and a half so I don't exactly know too too much about vintage blasters except people freak out over them and drool over every crossbow pic :P Too me it's cool to see a vintage blaster at a thrift store and buy it but I guess I prefer the newer blasters.

  3. Honestly, I don't own any "vintage" blaster, unless Longshots count. Some vintage blasters have been known for awesome ranges, like the AT3K or Crossbow. But the newer blasters, in my opinion, have better designs. And with the new N-Strike Elite coming out soon, I'm going to have to vote that I like the newer blasters better.

  4. I can honestly say I like the newer blasters more. Even though, out of the box a lot of the classic blasters had better ranges and such, and they do hold great sentimental value to me as I owned a number of them as a child, I love the newer blasters. I think they look better, they have great potential to outdo the old stuff by a longshot (da dun chish) and just fit better into my preferred tacti-cool style.

  5. Before elite and the pyragon I thought vintage. Elite blew me away!

  6. Although vintage blasters are one of the most nostalgic things on this earth, I like new guns better (at-least for modifying), because quite simply if I mess up I can just go buy another one! That said there's nothing quite like a stock vintage lock n' load, or crowwbow, or whiptail scorpion, there just awesomely fun!

  7. I would have to say vintage!

    They just have more power there fun to mod.

    Why I did'int choose new is because most of the internals are the same.

  8. Over all, I prefer the newer blasters. The older ones tend to look.... "retro". ;)

    The newer blaster also allow an "interchangability" that is not present in said older blasters.

  9. Eh... I prefer new blasters. They tend to be more reliable, and more durable. I've never been a performance freak with my blasters, so I prefer to have a high rate of fire and reliability. I only ever fight indoors, so I never need more than stock ranges.

  10. I prefer the new ones, because they look cooler

  11. I had a nice collection of what now qualifies as vintage blasters a long time ago and loved them to death. I had the privilege to pull an original Sharpshooter off the shelf...ah, memories. Fifteen years ago I was completely taken with these toys and I still am today. Its been a few years since I got back into it, but N-Strike was already thriving by then, so there's a very distinct separation for me between vintage and modern Nerf. All I can say with any certainty is that if the vintage guns were the ones on the shelf today I likely wouldn't have found a new interest in them. That said, my current ultimate Nerf wish is to see the release of a Ballzooka type ball weapon in the N-Strike line modeled after modern cylinder-based grenade launchers. This sort of example explicitly justifies vintage blasters for me, in that they're relevance is difficult to dispel even though I have no real interest in acquiring any.

  12. Vintage...Vintage all the way. I love how creative the makers were. Like for instance, the Max Force Lines. The Gator, Manta, Eagle Eye, and Laser Fang were all quite interesting blasters. They also had many, many, many......many air powered blasters that for 1) shot pretty far stock. and 2) Shot even better (110+ feet) modded. Today's blasters just try to look like... well, guns. Some vintage blasters can be pretty cheap too... well not all of them,(Supermaxx 5000, Crossbow, Supertech 9000). You can go on forums, ebay, or thrift stores and get some vintage blasters for $5-$15 which is cheap compared to todays $7-$30. I have recently taken an interest in collecting them my self. Being a young modder, it's cool to see blasters of the past. They're technically new to me. I have 2 AT3k's and a chainblazer coming my way soon. I hope to get many more.. I don't know, lets say... maybe a modified tech target?

  13. I prefer the vintage blasters. Mainly because I grew up on them, and eventually want to try and have them all back again. Plus, most of the vintage guns were before the introduction of air restrictors and push out much better ranges. Also, MEGA DARTS. 'nuff said.

  14. I have to go with vintage. They just don't make them like they used to.

  15. I prefer the new ones because of the clip system and the full auto blasters and because they just look cooler.
    For single shot or hopper you might be able to get impressive ranges with vintage blasters but with equal time and materials you can get more or less the same ranges out of many of the new ones.

  16. I prefer vintage. It just feels much more rewarding when you can see more than a 20 foot difference in the range after you spend a few hours of your time working on it. Newer blasters have never been too interesting for me, while I like seeing nice looking aesthetics I'd rather see a new idea being put into the internals. I'm very interested in the elite series and if it lives up to it's name I think my opinion could be changed.

  17. When you take the Crossbow into account I must say Vintage, The Crossbow has to be the best Nerf blaster out there, it is comfortable and gets great ranges.

  18. i prefer vintage because they are sometimes easier to mod and can get some pretty awesome ranges out of em


  19. My exposure to vintage blasters has been minimal...I think the oldest Nerf blaster I've ever used was an AirTech 1000. Thus, although my answer may be biased, I'm going to go with newer blasters...frankly, they're gorgeous from an aesthetic standpoint, they fire very well (and even better with modifications) and the wide variety of styles ensures that every Nerfer will be able to find a blaster that fits their needs.

    ( |\|
    Clayton Nickell

  20. Vintage blaster are better in ranges. If you mod them, you can have a incredible weapon!

  21. New blasters have great aesthetics, so I really enjoy them. Their mix-n-match capabilities make them fun, and the internals are far more refined.

    Vintage blasters still hold a place in my heart though. Their quirky designs and advertisements nest with my inner 90's child, and whenever I look at an Expand-a-Blast, Switch Shot, or Rattler, fond memories ensue.

    Really, I don't have a preference. How's that for a wishy-washy answer?

  22. i favor vintage blaster because the have great ranges and you can collect them
