
Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 3 Winner: △! Week 4 Prize Announced!

Congrats to , our Week 3 Giveaway winner!  He'll be getting the Customized Sonic Series NiteFinder that was announced last week!  I originally called him "Delta" because the triangle is the Greek letter for that, but apparently it's just "Triangle"!  Either way, he wins this week!  (Shoot me an e-mail Triangle, with your address to mail it to!)  Thanks again for everyone who participated!

Now, onto business!  Last week another admin of a blog and I talked and decided to feature one of their works for the Weekly Giveaway this week.  I thought it'd be good exposure for their blog to have one of their creations featured and given away.  It also saves me the trouble of finding something interesting of mine to give away, so without further adieu: straight from the Foam Flinging Burrito (or Arctic Nerf) and built by The Anonymous Hip-Hop-Opatamus (or Icicle), I give you the minimized Firefly!
I suppose you need a question to answer this week.  Now that I've hit 25,000 Pageviews since April of 2011, I want to know how you found out about Tactical Tag and what do you like best about this place?  Not looking for brown-nosing here, just wanna know what I'm doing right/what stands out to you.

Again, if you're a Follower, your name will be entered twice in the giveaway.  For full rules, go HERE.


  1. I found out about it from you honestly. On the chatroll I clicked your name to friend you and saw the link. Clicked it and thought the site was nice. Probably been following for a few weeks. The things I've seen on here are nice. I can catch up on Lazer tag and I see great mods on here also. So that's that.

  2. I honestly can't remember where I found out about you, but I think it was UrbanTaggers. The main thing I like about this blog is your blaster cosmetic mods, such as your Clear Raider or your Maverick that you posted a few days ago.

  3. Well i found out about it form Icicle he gave me a link and BAM! a wold of awesomeness opened up. I like that you enjoy both laser tag and Nerf, I like your ideas. i have gotten to laser tag a little better thanks to you. some of your ideas have inspired m to build my own stuff. Thanks!

  4. Well i found out about it on Urban Taggers, i love ur mods for both lazer tag and nerf i honestly love lazer tag and nerf so this site is a must come and check for more awesome stuff everyday! i love it bazzooka keep up the great work -Five Seven

  5. Congrats triangle :D. F4stF0rw4rd->.

  6. Congrats to triangle.

    Found out from you actually, you linked me on the Nerf Mods and Reviews chatroll.

    What do i like? everything honestly. Keeps me up to date on nerf fun stuff, and lets me learn about laser tag. Win-win.

  7. The first time I found you was on youtube when I was looking for new nerf channels to watch and I ran into your video "Vortex: Torsion Spring vs. Flywheels" (the newest one at that time). I thought it was really well done and very informative so I enjoyed some other videos then bookmarked your channel.

    So for about 2 weeks I kept on your channel and didn't think much of it except that it was cool and I liked it a lot.

    I didn't find your blog until I noticed your comments on Nerf Mods & Reviews, clicked your name, freaked out because you were the first Nerfer from the midwest I had ever heard of and was curious what kind of things went down there. So voila! I have been following your blog ever since.

    So, I enjoy hearing about what goes on in the midwest.I also like hearing about lazer tag things that you do because I didn't realize that there was such a thing as a good lazer tag gun and the things you do seem really cool (even if I don't always understand them. I really wish I could do them too.

  8. I found this blog through the urban taggers blog, and ever since its been my main source for laser tag info ever since. I like that it's different to every other blog out there in the way that there's a good read here on things you can't find anywhere else, and you go more in depth about the gear you're using rather than just reporting ranges and whatnot. and you appear in your own videos rather than just your hands!

  9. I directly was led here by Urban Taggers, for your laser tag creations and nerf. Since I joined I have really enjoyed the posts you make. Nerf is my main hobby but laser tag is unique and I often stare at your work, amazed. Maybe one day I might get into laser tag mods! Everything here is perfect, stay posting man!

  10. I found tactical tag when searching through some comments on Nerf Mods and Reviews. I like what you do for the most part; I like blogs that are clean neat and strait forward. I also appreciate you videos because you say what you gotta say instead of just going needlessly on for 10 min.

  11. I was just getting the notion to recase my light strike tagger into a Nerf shell and so I spent some time searching Google to see if anyone had already done it. I found your blog somehow (before I even knew UT existed). I think you were on the sixth or seventh video of your LTX DMR project and that gave me the impetus to start my own integration project. I thought "If he can do it, so can I". Been following ever since.
