
Monday, May 25, 2015

A Long Week

I felt a bit of an update was due since there's been a lot going on.  I would first like to thank everyone who sent prayers and thoughts to my family as my mother-in-law passed away.  She is in a better place now and the outpouring of support from everyone has been comforting.  It has not been easy, but this would be harder without those who have helped.

Second, I am proud to annouce that Season 10 of the Midwest Laser Tag Association has successfully kicked off.  I've got lots of photos and such I'll be sorting through and giving updates on that.  There's also some video that was taken at the event to put a promotional video together that should help us promote our group.  30 players showed up in force to have a cookout and play some laser tag together and it was a LOT of fun!  New and old faces combined for some great games and I'm really looking forward to what the rest of the season has in store for us.

Third, I have a bit of a backlog of material to release before the Month of May is up, so there will be a nice spike in activity here before we go head-first into June.  2015 has been flying by, but there's still more plans for Tactical Tag with Nerf and Laser Tag.  Stay Tuned!

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