
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Prayers and Thoughts Please

It's almost like a 2nd Hiatus... but this time I haven't been burnt out on my hobbies.  I'm actually itching to get things rolling but some family health issues have been coming up.  Tough ones.  Whether you're religious or not, no matter what you may or may not believe in, my family could use some thoughts and prayers.

Long story short, my mother-in-law has been battling cancer for over two years.  She was in remission around this time last year, which was wonderful timing for the wedding we had.  However, things have taken a turn for the worst and she is now in hospice care.

My wife and I have been spending most of our free time visiting her and helping around the home.  It's certainly been difficult for both of us to face the facts, so if you could keep our family in your thoughts, we would greatly appreciate it.


  1. Damn, that'd make anybody pause their favorite hobby.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother-in-law.

  3. Extending deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family during this difficult time.

  4. Sorry to hear this dude, hopefully everything turns out alright. Best wishes.

  5. Going to church, I will pray for you.

  6. Lost my dad to cancer 2 years ago. Thoughts with you and your family.

  7. I just lost my uncle to cancer. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.
