
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

Over the years, I've made a lot of great friendships thanks to my hobbies.  On days like today (my Birthday) it's always special to get those "Happy Birthday" wishes from near and far.  There are a lot of people I've made connections with through Tactical Tag that I still haven't had the pleasure of meeting in person but still consider great friends.

As I continue to grow old (as we all do), I always manage to stay young at heart and the wonderful people in this hobby help me stay that way.  Thank you all for your kind words and wishes!

- Bazookafied


  1. A Nerfari across the USoA is on the cards for me Mike, it's only a matter of when. When I have the money.

  2. Happy birthday Zooks! I like the picture. That shirt is very manly!

  3. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. Make it a great year!
