
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Old Longshot, New Modders

Usually when I'm psyched about a blaster, I go out of my way to get it as soon as possible.  It also usually means that there's a review up for it several minutes after I've got it home.  That's not been the case for the "New" Nerf ZombieStrike ZED Squad Longshot CS-12... but I think that's mostly because I already was psyched about this blaster when it came out several years ago under the original N-Strike lineup.  There wasn't a lot "new" with this recolor that I could see, so I held off getting it.

However, when I did finally cave in and nab one, I quickly found myself feeling nostalgic and getting pumped about modding this, especially since Nerf seemed to have already made it easier to do that.  Between the unpainted shoulder stock, the black-painted trigger grip, and the bi pod already removed for an easy install of a shotgun-grip priming handle... I was all sorts of ready to dig into this blaster.  Shortly after tooling around with it, I realized that this blaster wouldn't just be good for a Longshot fan like me... but also be good for someone who has just started modding and hasn't known the joy of working with a Longshot before.  One of my new neighbors attacks me in my garage every now and then with a Firestrike, so maybe it'd be fun to mod this new Longshot with him so he can learn.

Honestly, after picking one up and thinking about what Longshots on US Store shelves potentially means, I'm all sorts of hyped up about the possibilities and potential this has. Could I be reading too much into this?  Highly possible.  Regardless, it feels good to say "I'm gonna go mod my New Longshot".  Been YEARS since I've been able to say that!


  1. I still find it amusing when people in the US keep saying 'OMG the Longshot is back! after being off shelves for so long' and yet, my Toys R Us in the UK has shelves full of the original yellow one, not shifting despite being discounted to £29.99

    1. Yes, it's true. The US Market tends to "squee" a bit more when it comes to the Longshot because it's been off our shelves for awhile and it is an admittedly iconic blaster for the N-Strike Lineup.

    2. Australia still have clear Vulcans, yellow alpha troopers widely in stock. yellow longshota here are kinda rare and I could only find them at toy r us.

  2. I never had any longshot until now, and I've been looking for a while. Planning on an internal Recon pump grip, iron sights and a clip release cut from carving board. I'm really on the fence about removing the tactical rail though.

  3. Zooks, Do you think it is gonna be sold only US? Cause I live in Canada

  4. Who thought up the colour scheme?

  5. Blaster labs said it was junk, but others say its decent. Rated 2.8 by them. Should I buy one?
