
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Chainsaws for N-Strike Rails! FUN!

Perpetual Play has been awfully sneaky about recent ZombieStrike releases for Nerf.  We've seen a few of them reported by our friends across the pond.  Here's another one that was just spotted state-side for the "Zed Squad" simply called the "Chainsaw".  This isn't just another foam toy to smack Zombies with.  Take a closer look and you'll notice there's an N-Strike Tactical Rail attachment for under-slung chainsaw action.  There's a handle grip on the back just underneath the tac-rail attachment.

These were found on a local store shelf in the Midwest.  Pictures were taken by a fan on Tactical Tag's Facebook Page

I haven't seen one in person, so I'm curious as to how sturdy it really is and how it'll hold up... but it's neat to finally have an N-Strike Rail attachment out of all these swords and foam weapons!

EDIT (again):  Added even more photos below for those curious about this!  Including shots on blaster with a Retaliator, SideStrike, Magnus, and SlingFire!


  1. nice- lots of people will perma-integrate it, probably.

  2. Of all the things they could have mounted it onto for the boxart...a pistol?

    1. Name me another ZombieStrike blaster that has a rail on the underside.

    2. zombie strike magnus, yes they are real, they meaning a 2 pack.

    3. I actually forgot about that! Still... a pistol with a chainsaw bayonet still looks goofy. Needs to be on a rifle.

  3. Props to Hasbro using the picture of it mounted to a Sidestrike of all things on the back of the box. Cause yeah, that's a likely combo...

    1. Anonymous above you said the same thing. I'd imagine the used it since it's the only ZS blaster currently with a downward-facing tactical rail.
