
Friday, July 4, 2014

9th Annual Independence Eve BLAST!

To my friends living in the United States, I'd like to wish you all a Happy Independence Day!  To everyone else, just know that we're doing our part to punch another sizeable hole in the ozone layer by means of high explosives being launched into the atmosphere for our amusement.

On another note, last night's Independence Eve BLAST was a huge success for the 9th year in a row!  30 players showed up for a wonderful cookout and great games.  There were fireworks going off the last few games of the night that made for the atmosphere that can't be reproduced at any other event of the year that I LOVE.

Couldn't have done it without help from my veterans, though.  Every event they step up and pitch in whenever needed.  From helping first time players get acquainted with their gear to getting matches set up to everything in-between, these guys have my back.  If I were leading a group of 30 on my own with no assistance, I'd be pulling my hair out and would be flustered and frustrated the whole time.  Thanks to their help and leadership, we were all able to enjoy this awesome event together.

Click after the jump to see highlights from this awesome event!

1 comment:

  1. Great video, I like the epic music and fade traditions of shooters behind trees. More dramatic than just walking around. Been trying to think of ways to record Tagfest NW and that gives me ideas. Thanks looks like a great time.
