
Monday, June 16, 2014

Old Ranges for New Longshot?

Yesterday evening I watched a review by about the "ZombieStrike Clear Shot", which is yet another recolored Nerf Blaster from the days of yore.  It's a Dart Tag Stormfire with that nifty ACOG-looking scope that we got with the Super Soaker Shotblast, also from the days of yore.  I liked the Stormfire when it came out, as it was essentially a NiteFinder in a cooler shell.  However, it's 2014 now... and most N-Strike Blasters are stepping up to the plate with 75 ft ranges.  However, according to the review did, this Clear Shot is getting the same ranges it did when it was released under the Dart Tag lineup, Pre-Elite ranges.

This is sort of a bummer for the Clear Shot, but even moreso for speculation about the highly anticipated return of the Longshot.  I had previously theorized that, with the Longshot's return, we would also get revamped internals that would reflect the new "75 Ft Range" standard that nearly every lineup for Nerf has been getting.  However, with this new information about the Clear Shot, that hope is in jeopardy.  Sure, it's not the end of the world if we get nothing more than a repainted Longshot that's missing the bipod, but it kind of diminishes some of the hype about that blaster's re-release.

I suppose it could go either way now, but I was less excited about a repainted Longshot and more looking forward to retooled internals that could be even better!  Which way do you suspect it'll go?


  1. If it has any internal changes I will appear on my YouTube Channel and test it in a dress.

  2. I seriously doubt they would release the blaster named "Longshot" in a series entirely of blasters that consistently get 75ft ranges if it did not at least live up to those standards.

  3. That explains why the box doesn't have the range on it...

  4. Well hasbro did state in one of their toyfair Q&A'S that they wouldnt be making a "new" longshot. That could mean that either 1. they werent going to replace it with something else, or 2. they werent going to mess with making "new" internals for it. either way, OMW better start making kits for it ;)

  5. Great article you made out of this - this really is the story behind the news. My only hope with the ZS Longshot is the fact that the HAVE to do something to it to make it fire Elite/Zombie Strike darts since the old Longshot does have issues with that kind of ammo.
    Repainting a model to fit into a new series is one thing. I mean, they have to make money and the average kid in a store probably won't care - it's us enthusiasts that are disapointed and - frankly, we're still not the major target audience.

    But you can't release a blaster that can't fire the ammo that is used by all other blasters of that series... So if they do something to the breech and the tube the dart is loaded in (i think, it's because ZS/Elite darts have a tiny bit wider diameter) that would make it a selling point to all of us - even if the the rest remained unchanged.

  6. I honestly hope they keep it as is(asides from the breech issue) because who knows what they might do for new internals. They could either improve on the current internals or do something stupid like throw a Retaliator plunger system in it like most Elite clip system blasters have. At least in my opinion, the original Longshot internals are fine, they're going to get modded anyways.

  7. I still have hope for the clear shot and ZS longshot. Remember the prototype/preproduction rampages and retaliators? They were barely getting better ranges than the raider and recon. The clear shot should have about the same size plunger tube as a firestrike, so I don't see it as a problem that the clear shot doesn't shoot too well. As for the longshot, I have hope that it will get the 75ft ranges or more, but I am more concerned about the internals. With a relatively weak spring, a large diameter plunger like in a longshot is will not shoot all that far. With the same weak spring in a smaller diameter plunger, like in the elite line, it will generate more pressure and shoot the dart farther. Only with stronger springs and a sealed breech do large diameter plungers have an advantage over small plungers. I'm worried that to get the 75ft ranges, hasbro's will put in a smaller plunger to shoot the dart further since they can't put in a stronger spring.

  8. I was checking on targets website for listings on future Elite blasters, and intead found out that the ZED Squad Blasters are currently available in store according to the You should check it out and see if it's true, maybe make a range test.

  9. May have an answer to this issue. On my recently mentioned listing on target's website, it says "firing diameter 55.0'". Not living up to the Elite ranges of 75+ feet.

    1. Yes, but there are still better than the old LS ranges.

  10. One thing i thought of, look at the rampage/raider and the retaliator/recon. The shells are identical on the outside, but the molding is different between the old/new versions to fit the new internals. Same with the spectre, from the barrel to the stock, the elite one was identical to the older n-strike one. My hopes are still high for this blaster and hopefully Nerf just reworks the molding inside to fit new internals.

    1. Yeah, you're pretty much right on the elite spectre vs OG. Elite spectre has the Strongarm's/Swarmfire's AR system pretty much, which is a door with a peg that 'feels' for the dart.

  11. Oh, definetly better than most N-Strikes. And most Elites made around 49-74 feet at shoulder height according to randomShadow's range tests. This is definitely in that range.
