
Sunday, June 1, 2014

800k Pageviews in 800 Posts!

Wanted to thank you all for pushing this blog over another milestone!  This is Tactical Tag's 800th Post and, as if on cue, today we surpassed 800,000 Pageviews!  I'd once again like to thank all of you, especially those who have seen this through since the beginning, for your support of Tactical Tag!  Whether it was a simple comment on a post or sending me neat stuff to review, I'm so very thankful for the hundreds of reasons why I keep doing what I do here.  It's all those things that propel me.

Wanted to give a special thanks to recent help from My Last Dart and the Nerf Reddit page, who have been instrumental in a steady climb in exposure on the interwebs.  It may not be the biggest Nerf blog out there or the most popular Laser Tag site, but Tactical Tag continues to forge on thanks to your gracious support!


  1. Well done, 'Zook! Keep up the awesomeness!

  2. You keep up the great work, we'll keep up the support!
