
Monday, May 26, 2014

I'm Back!! PLENTY to talk about!!

Hey everyone!  Hope you all had a great weekend!  Figured I'd check back in with a few updates for ya as I get back into the swing of things.  Among those things, there is now a "Mrs. Bazookafied" in my life and she's fantastic!  The wedding and reception really couldn't have gone better and it was really amazing seeing all the planning and preparations come togeher.  We've had family in town for our wedding, so we've been catching up with them and celebrating our new lives together.

Amidst the celebration, we did manage to sneak a game of Laser Tag together with some of my groomsmen and relatives, which was quite a bit of fun.  With only 8 players, the games were quick and fun... but it also allowed us to rediscover the insanity that is "Free-For-All".  For the last few games, we all set the blasters on Solo Mode, started together in the middle of the park, and used the 10-second countdown to run and hide before the game began.  With bigger groups, the Free-for-all usually turns into a "hide-a-thon" and whomever stakes out a spot the longest and survives wins!... lame.  But with only 8 players and limited time to run and hide, the game actually played out really well.  It was a lot of fun rediscovering the simple-side of laser tag and just going out in a blaze of infrared glory.

I would've had that event planning video up, but my computer decided to reformat my SD card from my camera and delete a bunch of videos I needed to finish that project, so I shall redo that footage and complete the video later.  There's also some cool projects on the way, both in-progress on my workbench and in the planning pipeline.  Stay tuned!


  1. Wanted to express my sincere best wishes and congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Bazookafied!
