
Monday, March 24, 2014

March MAGNUS!!

Photo by SBNC
While the basketball tournament is going on, I'm gonna dig into my Magnus.  Not just because it's a good idea to pump some more power out of the Office Dominator, but also because "Magnus" sort of sounds like "Madness"... so it makes for a good title of this post.

Honestly, I'm not sure what I'll end up doing.  It could be as simple as some performance mods.  Could be as complicated as a magazine mod or integration.  I have no expectations going into this other than to make this thing better.

This blaster has been stored in my office drawer for awhile in it's stock format.  I think it's about time I changed that up!  It's darts are getting a little beat-up too... so maybe I should pick up another set of MEGA Darts while I'm at it?  Or I could just convert the thing to fire normal Elite Darts.  We'll see!!


  1. Replies
    1. Haha yes we do! Something happened during editing of that post that got rid of my "Photo by SBNC" caption. I'll replace that now. Sorry!
